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January 1, Trump Lashes Biden In White House RNC Speech



This Day in History | 1963

Martin Luther King, Jr., speaks to about 250,000 people attending the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The demonstrators–Black and white, poor and rich–came together in the nation’s capital to demand voting rights and equal opportunity for African Americans and to appeal for an end to racial segregation and discrimination.

Good Morning Middle Americans, 

Let’s call this the grandfather clause election. We heard from president Trump last night. The speech itself was a home run, perhaps one of his best ever. He seems to do best in these moments. The biggest moments. That said – the imagery was a little jarring. The South Lawn of the White House packed with Republicans supporters of president Trump, no social distancing, not a ton of masks. That real estate of the People’s House is better known for the Easter Egg Roll and diplomatic breakthroughs. Last night, it became a conventional hall.  I’m not judging here. But it’s unprecedented to say the least. And like other blunt political objects like impeachment, now that a Republican president has done this, a Democrat one will find a reason to do the same. And because it’s Washington, they’ll trip all over themselves trying to outdo Trump’s spectacle last night. For the few non-partisans left in America – if you thought last night was ugly, just wait til the next time. 

Now… based on what we saw playout yesterday and last night, that likely won’t happen. Don’t take my word for it. But you can listen to the political moddlers and analytics wizards on Wall Street. The long bets for November are coming in, and the bulls are on parade. And that likely means Biden and Harris are on the ropes.  The Democratic pollsters are getting loud about the impact of the riots, finally. We told you this would happen about 10 days ago. 

While Trump was bashing Biden last night, saying no one would be safe in America, should the former vice president become president. Biden was doing friendly cable news interviews putting the blame back on Trump saying all this was happening under his (Trumps) watch. Biden and Harris also attempted a double-broadsided media attack to push back against Trump’s speech. Both Biden and Harris hit Trump for the pandemic response. Once again, it’s “jobs not mobs” vs. ‘Trump’s gonna get us all killed’, but also – ‘let us fix the problems we helped create’.  Republicans don’t have majority rule over Kenosha, Portland, Seattle, and New York. And Democrats don’t seem to know what they are. Are the the Party of Biden-Harris, the tough on Crime Prosecutor, and “moderate” former VP. Or are they the Party of Biden-Harris, with the guy just holding down the fort until he can’t keep it together anymore, and the woman waiting in the wings who can’t denounce the radical-socialist elements of the Democrat’s voting block. 

Both Parties have now nominated men, who are well into their 70’s to lead younger generations through what might be the most tumultuous period of change in our nation’s history, save the actual Civil War. Everything about Trump’s Speech last night was about changing Washington. No one likes change, it’s uncomfortable, sometimes it’s ugly.  But it’s inevitable. And the biggest difference right now between the Republicans and the Democrats is that Republicans have embraced change. Democrats have embraced chaos. Republicans have decided that they are the Party of Trump. Democrats are the Party of Biden-Harris. Or is it Harris-Biden. 

We’re calling this the Grandfather Clause election because everyone who’s not a boomer, Democrats and Republicans have chosen to give someone from the baby boomer generation – the keys to the White House one more time, and look past Trump and Biden’s evolution on certain things.   It’s a little scary. 

But only one party actually knows what it is. And in times of uncertainty that gives Republicans the edge. 

Also today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Thursday that former Vice President Joe Bidencancel his three scheduled debates with President Trump because the commander-in-chief would “belittle” the forum and engage in “skullduggery.”  Law enforcement officers describe them as some of the most challenging recovery cases in the state, but Thursday the U.S. Marshals Service announced the rescue of 39 missing children from all over Georgia. Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager arrested and charged in the shootings in Wisconsin that led to the death of two people and injury of another, faces six criminal counts, according to a court document released on Thursday. 

Read all about it. 

-Fraser Dixon

Trump Lashes Biden, Defies Pandemic on White House Stage

(AP) – President Donald Trump blasted Joe Biden as a hapless career politician who will endanger Americans’ safety as he accepted his party’s renomination on the South Lawn of the White House. While the coronavirus kills 1,000 Americans each day, Trump defied his own administration’s pandemic guidelines to speak for more than an hour to a tightly packed, largely maskless crowd.

Facing a moment fraught with racial turmoil, economic collapse and a national health emergency, Trump delivered a triumphant, optimistic vision of America’s future Thursday. But he said that a brighter horizon could only be secured if he defeated his Democratic foe, who currently has an advantage in most national and battleground state polls.

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Pelosi: Biden Shouldn’t Debate Trump: ‘I Wouldn’t Legitimize a Conversation with Him’

(Fox News) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Thursday that former Vice President Joe Bidencancel his three scheduled debates with President Trump because the commander-in-chief would “belittle” the forum and engage in “skullduggery.” 

“I don’t think that there should be any debates,” Pelosi said out of the blue at a news conference at the Capitol, saying she doesn’t want the debates to be “an exercise in skullduggery.”

“I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States. Now I know that the Biden campaign thinks in a different way about this.”

Indeed, Biden told MSNBC Thursday he’s still planning on showing up to the high-profile faceoffs with the president.

U.S. Marshals Recover 39 Missing Children in Georgia Operation

(Fox 5 Atlanta) –  Law enforcement officers describe them as some of the most challenging recovery cases in the state, but Thursday the U.S. Marshals Service announced the rescue of 39 missing children from all over Georgia.

During a two-week-long effort, dubbed “Operation Not Forgotten,” the Marshals Service worked with state and local law enforcement to rescue 26 children and safely locate another 13.  

According to investigators, the children ranged in age from 17 to just 3-years-old.

The Marshals Service identified 15 of the kids as being victims of sex trafficking.  

“I have children. I’m sure many of you do as well. These are not my kids and these are not your kids, but actually they are our kids when it’s all said and done,” said Donald Washington, director of the U.S. Marshals Service.

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Teenager in Wisconsin Shootings Charged with Six Criminal Counts

(Reuters) – Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager arrested and charged in the shootings in Wisconsin that led to the death of two people and injury of another, faces six criminal counts, according to a court document released on Thursday. The charges against Rittenhouse in Kenosha County include first degree intentional homicide in the death of Anthony Huber, who was carrying a skateboard when he was gunned down. A conviction on that charge alone carries a life sentence. 

Rittenhouse, 17, is being held in Illinois where he lives. He has a court hearing on Friday for his requested extradition to Kenosha. The public defender assigned to his case in Lake County, Illinois has declined to comment.

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