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January 1, Manchin Crosses Party Lines with Official Endorsement



Sen. Joe Manchin crossed party lines with an official endorsement of Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) in her bid for re-election.

“I’m endorsing my dear friend Lisa Murkowski,” Manchin said during an interview with CNN’s State of the Union.

“Alaska could only be so lucky to have her continue to serve them.”

Manchin said it’s “hypocritical” that lawmakers “work with a person day in and day out, and then, when they’re in cycle, you’re supposed to be against them because they have an R or a D by their name.”

“If these are good people I have worked with, we have accomplished a lot, why in the world wouldn’t I want to work with them and continue to work with them?”

“It doesn’t matter whether I’m a Democrat and they’re Republican, or vice versa. They have been my dear friends, and we get a lot accomplished. And we — I think the country has fared better with us working together than not,” he added.

If Murkowski is victorious in the midterms, she will enter her fourth full term in office.


Manchin crosses party lines in officially endorsing Murkowski

1 Comment

  1. JJP

    February 9, 2022 at 3:03 pm

    Term limits, anyone? Congress happily passed a Constitutional amendment limiting the President to two terms in office. But that was the President. Will they ever consider anything like that for themselves? I mean, even if the term limit was 20 years for the House and 24 years for the Senate…? Nope, never. This was the major failing of the original Constitutional Convention. They were elitists just like the current Congress. Not even in America do peasants like us have any hope of running their own lives.

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