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January 1, Colorado Schools Transformed: Taxpayer-Funded Haven for Illegals’ Kids



Denver and other Colorado communities are facing a transformation of their schools into welfare agencies as tens of thousands of children of illegal border crossers arrive in the state. These children receive free food, clothing, shoes, healthcare, and education at taxpayers’ expense.

Colorado’s schools are now dealing with the enrollment of thousands of children – many of whom have never attended school in their lives. One example is eleven-year-old Alberto, enrolled in a school in Aurora, Colorado, who had never attended school and spoke no English. Despite this, he has been placed in fourth grade, affecting the learning environment for the entire class.

Aurora’s school system has seen an influx of more than 2,800 children of illegals, with Denver experiencing an even larger number of over 3,700 children of illegals in the 2023-2024 school year alone. The influx is causing serious challenges for teachers.

Janine Dillabaugh, the principal of Eagleton Elementary in Denver, says, “When you have 17 kids in your classroom, and then the next day you have 35, you’re basically starting over.” She adds that schools must also attend to the “social and emotional needs” of these students, which can include discipline issues, violence, and acting out due to frustration.

The schools are scrambling to find bilingual teachers to accommodate the numerous languages spoken by these children, which include not only Spanish but also Afghan, Chinese, various African dialects, languages from East Asia, and many more. Schools are also dealing with students who arrive with inadequate clothing and untreated medical issues, further transforming them into welfare agencies that provide for all of their needs.

One Venezuelan woman told reporters that she gets “everything” from the Aurora school her son attends, including “Clothes, WiFi, food, shoes – they help with everything.” She even received free dental care through the school.

As Colorado schools struggle to find bilingual teachers, they are resorting to hiring immigrants who may have been teachers in their home countries, potentially introducing foreign teaching practices from communist, socialist, or anti-American countries into American classrooms.

School budgets are strained, with many districts demanding more funding to accommodate the influx of illegal students. While some feel the federal government should contribute, local taxpayers are left to foot the bill through higher taxes and cuts in services to legal residents. As the situation continues to worsen, American schools are being overwhelmed by the growing number of illegals under President Joe Biden’s administration.

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    May 1, 2024 at 7:57 pm

    Close the border now! Send all these illegals back to where they came from. This is so unfair to the people who are trying to immigrate legally!
    We should not be jeopardizing our children’s futures for the sake of illegals not wanting to immigrate here legally. I’m sick of supporting people who don’t want to do it right! We are going to become a third world country if this doesn’t stop.


  2. bopper

    May 2, 2024 at 6:29 am

    Wouldn’t it be WONDERFUL if we treated our Veterans and American citizens this well! Maybe the solution is to charge each and every politician and liberal that is in favor of open borders a “Welcome Fee” like 40% of their total wealth and 15% of their weekly income to support the illegals. I wonder how their tune would change then!

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