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January 1, Fiery Dem Debate Focuses on Health Care | DOJ Readies Charges for McCabe | Trump Rolls Back EPA Water Rules | Dems Impeachment Probe
This Day in History | 1993
Israel and Palestine sign a peace deal known as the Oslo Accords, on the South Lawn of the White House.
Good Morning Middle Americans !
Did you catch the Dem’s debate last night? Biden was better, but still left a lot of room for improvement. Elizabeth Warren continues to look more and more like the front-runner.
Also today, read all bout former FBI #2 Andrew McCabe’s potential criminal charges, the Trump Administration rolling back Obama era protections for American Waterways, and the House Democrats latest impeachment moves.
– Fraser Dixon
Fiery Exchanges Over Healthcare, ‘Medicare for All’ Dominate Dem Debate
(Reuters) – With the top 10 Democratic candidates sharing the debate stage for the first time, they focused more on their shared opposition to Republican President Donald Trump and pared back some of the bickering that marked the first two debates this summer.
Biden was sharper and more aggressive than in either of the first two debates, when he came under frequent attack for his record on race and criminal justice during his long tenure in the U.S. Senate.
But like the first two debates, the Democrats were quick to leap into battle on healthcare, the issue that has ignited the most heated disagreements in the campaign for the party’s nomination to face Trump in the November 2020 election.
WATCH — Beto O’Rourke ‘Hell Yes We’re Going to Take Away Your AR-15’
Feds Recommend Charges for McCabe, Former FBI #2
(USA Today) – Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe faces the prospect of an indictment after his attorneys were unable to persuade senior Justice Department officials not to pursue criminal charges.
The recommendation that McCabe be indicted is the latest fallout from the FBI’s handling of investigations around the 2016 presidential election, when agents were investigating both of the major-party candidates. Those investigations – into Russian meddling to help Trump win the presidency and Democrat Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server – inserted the FBI into the center of fraught political controversies.
The Trump Administration Revoking Obama-Era Wetland Protections
(Politico) – EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler signed the repeal at the D.C. headquarters of the National Association of Manufacturers, one of the industry groups that had opposed the Obama administration’s Waters of the U.S. rule. That 2015 regulation, also known as the Clean Water Rule, had cemented federal protections for headwater streams, Western rivers and nearby wetlands, in an effort to resolve questions raised by two muddled Supreme Court decisions.
The repeal “removes an egregious power grab” by the Obama Administration, Wheeler said.
House Democrats Vote to Approve Guidelines for Trump Impeachment Hearings
(CBS) – The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Chairman says there’s no confusion about what his committee is doing: It’s an impeachment investigation, no matter how you want to phrase it.
While mostly technical, the committee’s vote also moves to install new procedures for its inquiry, allowing committee chairman Jerry Nadler to designate which committee and subcommittee hearings are related to the probe, give committee counsel extra time to question witnesses and receive evidence in closed executive session.
“The resolution before us represents the necessary next step in our investigation of corruption, obstruction, and abuse of power,” Nadler said in a statement before Thursday’s meeting.

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