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January 1, Virginia Democrat’s Bizarre TikTok Stunt Shocks Voters



Jessica Anderson, the Democratic contender for Virginia’s House of Delegates in the 71st District, took her campaign to an unorthodox level by uploading a TikTok video featuring her urinating in the snow.

“Yeah, I’m peeing,” she whispers during the act, concluding with a cautionary, “Avoid the yellow snow.”

This eyebrow-raising post is the latest in a series of unconventional behaviors by candidates for Virginia’s House this election cycle, marking Anderson’s entry into the “number 1” scandal club.

Commanding an audience of over 621,000 followers, Anderson, also known as CrazyMotherRunner, uses her platform not just for shock value but also to share her political ambitions and plans if elected.

Her bold political stance is showcased in videos where she has partnered with Danica Roem, Virginia’s first transgender state delegate.

Together, they share a combative message against the Republican Party: “opportunity to give the Republican Party and their abortion restricting, book banning, voter suppressing, soft supremacy the double middle finger and say not this time, not on our watch.”

Anderson’s political positions are clear: she supports abortion up until the third trimester, rejects school choice, and denounces Parents Defending Education.

In a scandalous parallel, another Democratic candidate, Susanna Gibson, was outed for live-streaming sexual acts with her husband for tips on Chaturbate, under the guise of fundraising, telling viewers, “Y’all can watch me pee if you tip me and some tokens – again, I’m raising money for a good cause.”

With both candidates appearing on the Virginia ballot come Tuesday, voters are left to ponder the appropriateness and professionalism of those seeking to represent them.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Colleen

    November 8, 2023 at 9:59 am

    I am finding this trashy behavior is leading to a trend. What kind of people vote for these people who haven’t got an iota of morals and as far as I’m concerned, they are pure trash. I wouldn’t want these people to decide the future for me or the running of a state.

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