January 1, “You Think I Don’t Know How F—ing Old I Am?”: Biden Lashes Out Over Questions About His Age
1917: The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, authorizing the prohibition of alcohol, is approved by the U.S. congress and sent to the states for ratification.
President Joe Biden is incredibly frustrated by concerns over his age as the 80-year-old considers running for re-election in 2024.
Biden celebrated his 80th birthday on Nov. 20, making him the oldest president to hold office.
If Biden were to win re-election in 2024, he would be 86-years-old by the end of his second term. This has led to increasing questions from media outlets about whether the commander-in-chief’s age precludes him from holding office much longer.
“You think I don’t know how f—king old I am?” Biden reportedly told a friend earlier this year, according to Politico.
The outlet noted that Biden has regularly “vented to allies” about how often the media discusses his age. He has yet to officially declare his intentions to run in 2024.
Although Biden has privately ranted about the focus on his age, he admitted to MSNBC that it’s a “legitimate” issue for voters to be “concerned” about.
“I think it’s a legitimate thing to be concerned about anyone’s age, including mine,” Biden said during an interview in October. “And I think the best way to make the judgment is to watch me. Am I slowing up? Do I have the same pace?”
During the same MSNBC interview, Biden said he felt closer to age 50 than 80.
But voters aren’t convinced. A recent poll found that 64% of Americans are concerned about the president’s age and mental fitness — including 50% of Democrats.
Biden’s presidential term has been plagued by a series of blunders, intensifying the questions about his cognitive health.
In September, the aging president caused a stir after mistakenly calling for Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN) during a press conference at the White House. Biden had apparently forgotten that Walorski died in a car accident just a few weeks earlier.
Source: Politico | I&I/TIPP Poll
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Joy Cochran
December 18, 2022 at 8:04 am
Oh we KNOW how old you are old man. We also know that you are crazy as hell.
Judy Bullis
December 18, 2022 at 10:42 am
Biden is NOT up to a second term. In my opinion, he has done as much as he can to ruin American economy and values. I worry that we will not survive 2 more years with Biden in charge. With all the talk of Trump’s dishonesty, how can we overlook the information coming out from Twitter showing “the big guy’s” dishonest activities.
Mary jane Corbin
December 18, 2022 at 9:43 am
We need a President that is more in tune with the era we are living in not right now and the hardships the middle class is dealing with. The rich do not feel inflation the way the middle class does. We can’t absorb the high prices as easily as the wealthy. I I know I get angry when I hear about all the money going to foreign countries when we are struggling with the price of a gallon of milk or a dozen eggs. Our government is suppose to be working for the American people. They talk about cutting SS and Medicare. Neither one would be in trouble if our government paid back the money they borrowed. I would like to see Congress live on the pittance most retirees live on. Try living on $1900.00 a month with today’s prices.
Marlene Miller
December 18, 2022 at 10:00 am
Everyone knows how old Biden is. That is a concern because of the insane idiotic behavior he has displayed. I believe he has cognitive issues that the left refuses to address. He declared when running he would unite the country but since in office there’s been a continuous crisis. He has sold America down the toilet all for power by cow-towing to the radical left. He makes me feel angry all the time. It is sad & dis-heartening to think this great nation has been torn apart by this pathetic old man.
Elizabeth Rountree
December 18, 2022 at 10:41 am
You are so correct ! I really don’t believe the President of these United (?) States should use the F word publicly OR privately. So inappropriate ! Where is his respect for the Americans here in the U.S.???? His decisions and disgusting Executive Orders reflect his failing mental capabilities.
We are definitely not recognizable in this world now days since he took the oath of office for president. The entire world is laughing at us for not finding a remedy for this charade!
Incidentally, I am two and a half years older than this man and still driving, playing golf twice a week, volunteering, running my household and handling my financial affairs, taking care of my great grandchildren when needed and I can definitely recognize his fragility and incompetence in his speech, physical capabilities, and the dangerous positions he has placed us in as well as destroying the position we once held in the world !!!
December 18, 2022 at 12:09 pm
He is not a pathetic old man, he is a pure LIAR AND CRIMINAL, who will do anything to destroy the Greatest Country in the World for POWER AND MONEY, WHICH HE HAS BEEN DOING ALL HIS LIFE. As long as, he remains in the WH, he will continue to turn America into a THIRD WORLD COUNTY AND IT IS GOING TO GET EVEN WORST.
We can only hope and pray to Almighty GOD, that ALL the Evil Leaders will all be destroyed.
M. Crosbie
December 18, 2022 at 10:35 am
No one wants to grow old but it takes a mature person to know they are losing their abilities and in some cases they endanger others. Biden is not mature. He has conned his way thru life using his political power but this battle he cant win even as the President. Be happy your not in prison Uncle Joe. Let someone else drive the country.
December 18, 2022 at 1:02 pm
It does not make a difference how old he is. Biden makes non of the decisions himself.
This just goes to show any age can be made a puppet.
December 19, 2022 at 10:30 am
I’m not worried about your age. I’m worried about your stupidity which has been obvious your whole career and not because you’re getting old.