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January 1, Walmart Self-Checkout Fiasco: New Rule Infuriates Customers



The backlash against self-checkout continues as Walmart customers have expressed their frustration over a new rule. Several retailers, such as Dollar General and Kroger, have already started to pull away from self-service kiosks. Others like Target have placed new restrictions on their use.

In March, it was reported that some Walmart stores were limiting certain self-checkout lanes to two groups: Spark delivery drivers and Walmart+ members. Spark delivery drivers are contract workers for Walmart, and Walmart+ is the retailer’s exclusive subscription service, costing $98 per year.

Customers and Walmart employees have taken to social media to express their disapproval of this rule. One Reddit user wrote, “At my store we have 10 self-checkouts and six are dedicated for Spark drivers/Walmart+ members—four for Spark and two for plus. Kinda sucks when you’re trying to get a snack on your break and there’s a [expletive] of people and only four self checkouts available.”

Others complain that the limitations on self-checkout lanes are causing longer wait times to pay. One user posted, “Only Walmart would have an entire section of self-checkout closed and leave only six open to use.”

Many shoppers say this new self-checkout change is their last straw, pushing them to consider shopping elsewhere. “At the Walmart by my house they closed down all of the self-checkout lanes, and turned them into lanes for their Spark delivery service,” a user wrote. “Now everyone has to wait in 20+ minute checker lanes while those self-checkout lanes sit empty. My solution, I stopped going there.”

However, Walmart spokesperson Joe Pennington explained that store managers have the freedom to experiment with checkout rules to figure out what works best for their specific locations. “Based on several factors including customer and associate feedback, shopping patterns, and business needs, some locations are temporarily testing different checkout staffing options,” Pennington said back in March.

Walmart also denies that they are trying to persuade more people to sign up for Walmart+ by limiting self-checkout lanes. “From time to time, our stores adjust the use of staffed checkouts and self-checkouts. For example, a store might start or end the day with staffed checkouts. As the number of shoppers and associate staffing increases, these stores open self-checkout registers to manage the increased customer flow. This process isn’t new,” Walmart said in a statement.

The company added, “During these times of limited access, some stores are designating select self-checkout stations for Walmart+ customers using our Scan and Go service and Spark drivers for quicker access and delivery services. This decision is intended to better manage checkout availability.”

As our loyal readers, we encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions on this issue. Let your voice be heard and join the discussion below.




  1. Pat Cross

    July 8, 2024 at 7:23 pm

    Way to lose business, Walmart!

    • Debra Nanez

      July 8, 2024 at 7:46 pm

      Walmart is already losing monies. Right now there are over 1000 Walgreens and Walmart has 500 stores that are closing. Theft also has a big part in it. ✌🏽👍🏽

    • Connie Eggen

      July 8, 2024 at 10:06 pm

      That’s the problem…THEY DON’T CARE!

  2. Pat Tews

    July 8, 2024 at 7:28 pm

    I’m not employed by Walmart so I hate self checkout to start with! Hire more employees to do checkout. I’m not concerned about your billion dollar profits!! Don’t be so greedy!!


      August 31, 2024 at 11:05 pm

      I agree with you. I won’t use self checkouts unless I am buying only 1 or 2 items and the regular checkouts are busy

  3. Jack

    July 8, 2024 at 7:46 pm

    let’s get real here folks. The only way you get Walmart, and many other retailers is MONEY !!!!! Complain all you like, write letters etc. – not effect. Take your $$$$$ elsewhere – yes even if it means paying a bit more (factor in your time) it is the ONLY ONLY ONLY way. It may take awhile and it require lg. #’s of people all pulling together. So what is your time, and frustration worth to you??
    Only YOU can decide but endless complaining will not do it $$ is your weapon use it or suffer the consequences they will only continue to find ways to take your $$$ and give you less service.

  4. Robert J. Trinkle

    July 8, 2024 at 7:48 pm

    When you get to the checkout stop using self checkout you people brought this on your self no people to check you out leave your cart sit and walk out few

  5. Kamicķa

    July 8, 2024 at 7:52 pm

    Why not have a “Special” place for Spark Delivery service, special lanes for Walmart+ customers and self- checkout lanes for regular customers? Walmart is big enough to have designated lanes. I’ve seen cashiers waiting to check out regular customers. Open more lanes for special needs by closing regular lanes.

  6. Linda Langlois

    July 8, 2024 at 8:05 pm

    Call them self check out lines if you want but in reality they are WIRK FOR FREE lines. Companies got you guys to work for FREE. NOT even a 10% discount for using them.


      August 31, 2024 at 11:06 pm

      Totally agree!!! We are doing the former check out line workers job!!

  7. Sherry B. Vihlen

    July 8, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    Walmart was losing millions every year from theft. When they put in all those self check outs in place they assumed everyone was honest…Well little did they know

  8. James

    July 8, 2024 at 8:15 pm

    I strongly recommend seeking out a locally owned or employee owned grocer. In my area Woodman’s. East coast there is Wegmans. They are all a bit more expensive but the service is better and the stores are cleaner and orderly.

  9. Glenda

    July 8, 2024 at 8:15 pm

    Self check out sucks!!!

  10. Patsy Gibbs

    July 8, 2024 at 8:19 pm

    Place the blame squarely on the source… shoplifters. I am accustomed to self checkout by numbers of items, such as 20 and under or 40 and under. Anything over 40 goes to the regular checkout lanes.
    It is annoying to have to find an employee to open the newly installed locked cabinets which allegedly deter shoplifting, but that is a direct result of thievery (shoplifters).
    It is sad to see an increasing level of lack of honor in our world as self respect plummets and our world unravels.

  11. Glenda

    July 8, 2024 at 8:38 pm

    All Walmarts need to hire more people for check out with a person. I refuse to use self checkout

  12. Mrs. White

    July 8, 2024 at 8:51 pm

    Walmart is losing customers and I am following them. Not only is this new problem with the Self Checkouts a bunch of BS…I had waited my turn and was shoved aside even though I walk with a cane and my arm was in a sling due to a severe shoulder (waiting on surgery) injury! The lady in charge of the self check out saw this and yelled at me…”Mam you will have to move, you will have to wait for another register”! She witnessed the two “Spark” delivery people run into me nearly knocking me over and she did nothing…yelling at me to get out of their way! Then when I get to the check out, numerous items ring up for more than what’s stated on the shelf in front of those items! I put 3 of my needed items back, because there was a $5.00 difference in the pricing! I have no problem leaving Walmart, just as I left Publix! I now shop Aldi’s and Target. Yes, Target! Believe it or not, I have found that Target has numerous items that I was getting at Walmart for less and Target stores are clean, unlike dirty Walmart! Walmart has proven to me that they do not appreciate their customers! I’m Fed up with their Rude and lousy lack of service to their faithful customers that get off their asses and actually go into their stores to do their own shopping! Hey Walmart, do you idiots not realize that it’s customers that come into your store to do their own shopping that wind up buying other items that they didn’t even Intend on getting? I think you all refer to that as impulse shopping! Dirty stores, numerous item in the “Cold food” area that are way out of date and still on the shelf and you have numerous lazy and rude employees playing around that ignore customers, when asked for assistance! “Spark,” I say let them have it…I say we all SPARK a boycott and walk out and shop elsewhere for long enough to put their bottom line in the Red, just like what was done to Target awhile back. Everyone knows, if you want to make a point/get someone’s attention…you have to hit them where it hurts, in their pocketbook!!!!

  13. Oldclimber

    July 8, 2024 at 8:52 pm

    I call BS on them not trying to force customers over to Plus. If they had any sense they would just limit some of the self checkout lanes to 5 or 10 items.

  14. Me

    July 8, 2024 at 9:41 pm

    Walmart the evil empire. They took out a lot of other stores that have been around since I was young. Don’t really like shopping there but it seems that is all we have in Reno.we do have grocery outlet that is really clean and a nice store also smith’s in Raley‘s for food. But Walmart used to be a good American store until his kids took over very disappointing now if I am spending my hard earned money why should I have to check and bag my own stuff.walfart sucks

  15. Carol

    July 8, 2024 at 9:45 pm

    This is when upset shoppers need to leave a big varty full of frozen and refrigerated items and leave the store to these pig headed people!

  16. Danny Walgren

    July 8, 2024 at 11:24 pm

    I have pretty much given up on Walmart the store has or is going to hell 1/2 of the time they don’t have what you are looking for and a lot of there help I wouldn’t hire to clean my yard they walk around with there phones glued to there heads and could care less if you need help or not sure isn’t the store it use to be they have gotten to big and only care about the $ not you here lately I have been driving the extra 10 miles and going to a different store and for food shopping I go to Woodman’s

  17. A Fischer

    July 9, 2024 at 12:03 am

    What I hate is here in Colorado Springs they have a 15 item limit on self checkout. Then it takes more time to wait in a line for a checker plus you still bag your own groceries unless you ask for help. So,load it on the belt, be ready to bag in your bags when goods are scanned & slid to the end. Then people with a few items are waiting behind you who should be in the 15 items or less & looking irritated for having to wait.
    I can do it way faster in self check out even with more than 15 items.
    I won’t be doing big shopping anymore at Walmart.

  18. Roger

    July 9, 2024 at 7:25 am

    Self-checkout sucks from the word go. It all boils down to more $$ in the WalMart pocket. They shorten the hours of their employees, so they are not considered full time, thus reduced benefits. Try and find help in any isle – no one around most of the time. It is like Walmart wants to put the store on automatic, so they don’t have to pay a human. Walmart won’t admit it or tell you, but the information is out there that the loss to theft is up drastically due to self-check outs. Who is going to count the items in your cart to be sure you’re not over the 15 limit? If the 4 candy bars I just picked up puts me over the 15 lime does the scanner just top working? Bells, sirens, etc. go off? So just scan one and put the rest in the bag and get the hell out of Dodge? Why did Walmar remove a bunch of self-checkouts in several Eastern stores when remolded? I will not use self-checkout in any store, especially Walmart. If there is mor than 3 people in the checkout line ahead of me I might start yelling for another checker to operate on of the many lines they have closed.

  19. KR

    July 9, 2024 at 7:46 am

    Was in Walmart yesterday. They had the self-check outs set up for 15 items or less. We usually have more than 15 items but like to use self checkouts as we can check ourselves out faster and we like how we bag our own groceries. Well, we had to go and wait in a Cashier run checkout. Had to wait behind two other customers. Had to unload our stuff out of the cart and onto the belt. When it was our turn the Cashier didn’t say hi or anything to us. He looked like he didn’t want to be there. Couldn’t smile or make people feel welcomed. Told us our total and that was it. Not the most pleasant experience. This kid could have used some training in how to greet people and at least look like you are glad to have a job.

  20. Fearless Frank

    July 9, 2024 at 7:52 am

    The real reason is people stealing. Theft is the new democratic party policy. Yes it’s ok to steal, shoplift, ignore laws.

    • Jane U

      July 10, 2024 at 5:23 pm

      People can steal by just grabbing merchandise and running out the front door. I have actually seen that happen. A gang of rotten rich kids from the local high school pile into the local supermarket right at 3:15 pm or thereabouts. I watched a young high school hoodlum dash out the front door with a bag of chips and a soda. It’s a joke and a game. No punishment, no prosecution. When I was a kid the police arrested shoplifters and then the parents gave them a beating after picking them up at the police station.

  21. Cindy Peterson

    July 9, 2024 at 9:36 am

    I quit going to Walmart after they put in the self-checkouts

  22. Darryl

    July 9, 2024 at 9:47 am

    Joe Pennington and a team should make a trips to Walmarts store’s and view what’s going on with the frustration there customers and talk to store managers, on how to handle checkouts in that store. If they want to keep customers this is a Solution. I had same problem with our customers and made a suggestions I would go out and see customers what they thought. Management thought well go try! Guess what it WORKED!! We sold more and customers were happy. The management in Corporations sit behind desk make decisions without knowing what going on in the real world.

  23. bigotae

    July 9, 2024 at 10:38 am

    From time to time Walmart tells the truth but this is not one of those times.

  24. Kls

    July 9, 2024 at 10:39 am

    I refuse self-checkout. I don’t work there. Not going to do their job. Problem solved. Our Walmart usually has several cashier lines open, or they open another one if needed. Works for me.

  25. Chief1937

    July 9, 2024 at 11:24 am

    Shopping at Walmart is already frustrating now they want to compound it with check-out interference. With so many employees pushing carts through the isles now one can hardly do their shopping. Guess Walmart really wants to discourage individual shoppers and have only employees doing it. They are flirting with disaster in the opinion of many.

  26. Brian Schill

    July 9, 2024 at 11:47 am

    I use the self check at my usual WalMart because I only buy very few or just one or two items mostly, and it’s faster than waiting on a staffed checkstand. If I had a basket full to buy, I’d be a little bugged if someone with just a few things was taking up space and time on the line. My other gripe is that my usual credit card is not accepted by the self check equipment.

  27. Robert Paul

    July 9, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    If I encounter the problems described above more frequently, I will be a “former” Walmart customer.

  28. don

    July 9, 2024 at 7:53 pm

    The problem with Walmart is they do not have cashier checkout lines open. You may see 8 cash registers but only one open

  29. Jane M Underwood

    July 10, 2024 at 5:19 pm

    Personally, I refuse to shop at any store, other than a clothing store, that does not have self checkout. I live by myself at this point and never have more than a few items. I don’t have time to wait in line behind customers with carts full of items and often unruly kids in tow slowing them down. (I used to shop with kids and I made sure they were well behaved.) Express lines are not a solution, either, as the 10-item limit is often not enforced, it’s as if the cashiers and other employees are afraid of the customers! (They should fear the wrath of the customers like me who wouldn’t get in that line with 11 items, who resent that 10 items doesn’t really mean 10 or less items.) Even CostCo now has self checkout, which I suggested and asking for a decade ago. It makes a huge difference.

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