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January 1, The Impeachment Spectacle Begins



This Day in History | 1982

The Vietnam War Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C.

Good Morning Middle Americans, 

Today is the big day. The American public will get to witness for the first time the Democrat’s Impeachment spectacle play out in front of television cameras.  Based on what we’ve seen in other public hearings, we at MAN have zero confidence in Congress’s ability to deal with this in a serious and professional manner. Instead, we can expect to see members of Congress falling all over themselves while attempting to prove the president’s guilt or innocence. Republicans will scream about unfairness while hoping President Trump is watching.  Democrats will talk about bribery and extortion hoping their woke base is listening. What is less clear is – who in Middle America is really listening? Who can be swayed by anything we’ll hear from Congress or the witnesses in this impeachment process? All three broadcast networks will carry the proceedings live.  You can also tune in here on Middle American News. 

Also today, Hillary Clinton claims many, many people are pressuring here to run for president in 2020. Who are these people? Also the defense has rested in Roger Stone’s trial. Is Americas most notorious rat-fucker going jail for lying to congress? 

Read all about it below. 

– Fraser Dixon 

Live, From DC: Trump Impeachment Hearings About To Go Public

(AP) – The closed doors of the Trump impeachment investigation are swinging wide open.

When the gavel strikes at the start of the House hearing Wednesday morning, America and the rest of the world will have the chance to see and hear for themselves for the first time about President Donald Trump’s actions toward Ukraine and consider whether they are, in fact, impeachable offenses.

It’s a remarkable moment, even for a White House full of them.

All on TV, committee leaders will set the stage, then comes the main feature: Two seasoned diplomats, William Taylor, the graying former infantry officer now charge d’affaires in Ukraine, and George Kent, the deputy assistant secretary in Washington, telling the striking, if sometimes complicated story of a president allegedly using foreign policy for personal and political gain ahead of the 2020 election.

Read more from the Associated Press here

Schiff: Enough Evidence to Impeach Trump for Abuse of Power, Bribery

(NPR) – House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff says there is enough evidence to impeach President Donald Trump for both bribery and abuse of power.

“Bribery, first of all, as the founders understood bribery, it was not as we understand it in law today. It was much broader,” Schiff told NPR Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep. 

“It connoted the breach of the public trust in a way where you’re offering official acts for some personal or political reason, not in the nation’s interest.”

Listen to Rep. Schiff’s interview with NPR here

Hillary: ‘Many, Many, Many People’ Pushing for ’20 Campaign

(BBC) – Hillary Clinton on Tuesday said she would not rule out launching another presidential campaign in the future, claiming “many, many, many people” are pushing her to enter the 2020 race, but at this moment, a run is “absolutely not in my plans.”

“I, as I say, never, never, never say never,” Clinton told BBC Radio 5 Live. “I will certainly tell you, I’m under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it. But as of this moment, sitting here in this studio talking to you, that is absolutely not in my plans.”

Watch Hillary Clinton’s interview with the BBC here

Roger Stone’s Defense Team Rests Case

(FOX News) – Roger Stone, the longtime confidant of President Donald Trump, on Tuesday opted not to take the stand in his federal criminal trial as his defense team rested its case and argued for acquittal, citing “truthful” statements he made in 2017 testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. 

Stone is charged with lying to Congress about the nature of his connections to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange regarding hacked DNC emails, lying about his coordination with the Trump campaign about WikiLeaks and witness tampering.

Read more from Fox News here

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