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January 1, Dem Convention on the Chopping Block? Phillips Sees 1968 Repeat



Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) recently argued that the Democratic Party should forego their convention this year and focus on campaigning. He expressed his concern that things are “looking awfully like 1968,” comparing the current political climate to the contentious Democratic Convention in Chicago that year.

Phillips praised President Biden’s support for Israel, stating, “I think that President Biden has done a very good job of supporting our ally and friend Israel.” However, he acknowledged that Biden’s recent actions had upset both progressives and those on the other side of the issue.

He remains hopeful that the President can recapture their trust, stating, “I do believe he’s principled in his support for Israel.”

Despite his faith in Biden, Phillips fears that “a lot of anger and angst and disenfranchisement” will play out on television this summer. He told Fox News host Bret Baier, “I think it can [look like 1968], and frankly, I think it would be in the best interests of the Democratic Party to forego the convention this year and focus on campaigning.”

Phillips added that he doesn’t “see any way it can be accretive to the mission of winning the next election” if the convention were to go ahead amidst such a contentious atmosphere.

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