In the heart of the Big Apple, a city renowned for its stringent gun control laws and Democrat leadership, felony assaults on subway systems have seen...
The future of robotics is fast approaching, with the promise of humanoid robots becoming a common household feature. This is according to a recent announcement from...
For the past two years, the partisan Democrats of our “legacy media” have been treating the Pelosi-Picked Panel on Jan. 6 as a major story, dedicating...
Massachusetts Democrat Governor Maura Healey has been vocal about the impact of the southern border crisis on her state. However, when it comes to addressing the...
Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) shareholders have approved a merger with former President Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social. This approval sets the stage for the...
After a period of absence due to health challenges, Bruce Springsteen made a triumphant return to the stage in Phoenix, revealing a striking transformation that set...
As the legal battle over Texas’s SB4 Immigration Law continues, a rising tide of states are following in the Lone Star State’s footsteps, introducing their own...
The Supreme Court is preparing to hear a significant challenge to the abortion pill, brought forth by doctors and medical associations. The case, FDA v. Alliance...
In a surprising development, three individuals, including one minor, have been arrested in Indiana, accused of stealing over $20,000 worth of baby formula. The alleged perpetrators,...
In an exclusive interview on Wednesday evening, former President Donald Trump made a firm commitment to the American people. When questioned about the possibility of reducing...