In a recent episode of “The Majority Report,” liberal hosts found themselves in heated disagreement with Jesse Singal, a podcaster known for his skepticism about gender...
Kevin Hart, in a recent turn of events, disclosed the audacious dare that has bound him to a wheelchair for the upcoming 6-8 weeks. Addressing his...
In a significant legal development, a California appeals court has rejuvenated lawsuits filed by two men who accused the late pop icon Michael Jackson of sexually...
In what many are seeing as a blatant act of censorship, prominent conservative commentator Glenn Beck’s entire podcast was inexplicably removed from Apple’s podcast network this...
A recent episode of “The View” took an unexpected turn when co-host Whoopi Goldberg began discussing a rather intimate topic, prompting producers to abruptly switch to...
Wayne Brady, while best recognized for the nostalgic entertainment on “Let’s Make a Deal,” has taken a step away from his traditional television persona to share...
Recent video footage from Halifax, Nova Scotia, is igniting conversations amongst many, especially those who remember the days when cinema was without controversy. The video in...
In a surprising twist, iconic late-night host David Letterman was spotted bagging groceries at a Hy-Vee supermarket in Des Moines, Iowa on Friday. Following the recent...
Former “Star Trek” star George Takei has faced widespread criticism on social media for his defense of inappropriate behavior displayed at a Pride parade. Nude LGBTQ...
In what might be a significant turn in the world of television game shows, Vanna White, the co-host of “Wheel of Fortune,” has reportedly recruited a...