In a horrendous act, five students, all in their late teens and early twenties, were deceitfully trapped under the guise of a job proposal by a...
In light of the escalating tensions in the region, the Biden administration has strongly recommended U.S. citizens currently in Belarus to leave the country at the...
A teenager from Ohio, found guilty of intentionally crashing her car and causing the death of two individuals, was handed down a 15-year prison sentence this...
With fall on the horizon and the election season looming, a noticeable push to reinstate old COVID-19 measures is evident, even though previous results have been...
San Francisco’s Roman Catholic Archdiocese is now facing severe financial strain as it is compelled to declare bankruptcy due to an overwhelming number of sex abuse...
A recent incident has intensified tensions between Fox News and the Trump family. Allegations have emerged that Fox News ordered security personnel to prevent Donald Trump...
In a tragic incident, a U.S. Marine lost his life during a live-fire training exercise in Oceanside, California. Friday morning brought the sad revelation from officials...
In a landmark decision, a federal appeals court has given the green light for New Jersey to sue gun businesses in its jurisdiction under the recently...
In a significant legal development, a California appeals court has rejuvenated lawsuits filed by two men who accused the late pop icon Michael Jackson of sexually...
In a controversial move, the Biden administration has opted to dispose of unused segments that were manufactured for the intended expansion of the southern border wall....