January 1, Driver Fires Gun at Denise Richards in Road Rage Incident

Denise Richards confirmed she was unharmed after gunfire erupted during a road rage incident in Los Angeles.
The actress was traveling to Popsicle Studio L.A., a film and TV studio, in a pickup truck with her husband, Aaron, behind the wheel. Aaron had slowed to look for street parking when a passing driver fired a gun at the couple’s truck.
No one was injured. TMZ first reported the incident, which was later confirmed by Jill Fritzo, a representative for Richards.
According to TMZ, police received a call after someone at Popsicle Studio L.A. noticed a bullet hole on the Ford Shelby F-150 truck. It’s unclear if officers responded to the scene to take a report.
Richards remained at the studio for another 12 hours of work, with her husband staying for the entire duration. An off-duty police officer who was on set escorted the couple back to the freeway on their way home, TMZ reported.

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November 17, 2022 at 7:45 pm
Gun shots in Hollywood? No, it can’t be.
It must of been that gas guzzling truck backfiring.
Peter Martin
November 18, 2022 at 5:25 am
As a recipient of your emails here in UK and reading snapshot snippets of reported happenings of all types of aspects of American life, one is saddened as one see aspects being reported of what appears to pass as normal life and incidents living in all parts of the USA from Maine to California and Seattle to Sweetwater (FL) From Middle America to both the Western and Eastern seaboards. and as an outside observer that the one thing that bismerches the reputation most of the great country that is the USA, is the relative freedom and lack of control for an individual to own a weapon and be happy to use it. I fully aware that it is written into the Constitution drawn up by the ” Founding Fathers” of the “right to bear arms” ratified 15th December 1791, but that was over 200 years ago, when 90% of America was still a wilderness and still more or less lawless for great swathes of the country and still had to be pioneered. It waa a law for its time, but that is longer the case in modern America. Just as you would no longer resurrect the idea of the validity of witch hunts. Bad law should always be repealed if it is not relevant to the times in which it serves. It does not serve the great country of America and the great American people well, if the leaders of the Democrats and the Republican don’t come together in a bi-partisan pact to agree to work together in common cause for all of the American people remove all of the politics and the political lobbying and vote blackmailing being used as an instrument by the Gun Lobby against either of the political parties and do the American people a big service and restore in part at least the image and reputation of the great country of America in the eyes of the wider world
November 18, 2022 at 8:49 am
Well, they can thank their Demonrat governments for all of the California garbage going on.