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January 1, ICE Outraged: Virginia Officials Twice Released Illegal Alien Accused of Child Sex Crimes



Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) claims Fairfax County, Virginia officials twice released an illegal alien charged with sex crimes against a minor. This happened despite having a detainer request in place. The 30-year-old Honduran national was apprehended by ICE agents earlier this month at his Maryland residence.

ERO Washington, D.C. Field Office Director Liana Castano stated, “This Honduran noncitizen stands accused of some very serious crimes and represented a threat to the children of the Washington, D. C. area.” Castano criticized local jurisdictions with policies prohibiting cooperation with ICE and honoring detainers, saying they put community members at risk.

The Honduran man’s point of entry into the U.S. is unknown, as he was never inspected, admitted, or paroled by any U.S. immigration official. He was first arrested by the Fairfax County Police Department on July 5, 2023, and charged with felony carnal knowledge of a child aged 13-14 without force. ICE lodged a detainer request the next day, but the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center released him later that month.

Fairfax County, a Democrat stronghold located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, is one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the U.S. The man was arrested again on February 22 and charged with two additional counts of felony carnal knowledge of a child aged 13-14 without force, as well as two counts of felony indecent liberties with a child under 15. However, the same local detention center released him once more, giving ICE no time to lodge another detainer request.

Deportation officers apprehended the man on April 15, serving him with a notice to appear before an immigration judge. He will remain in ICE custody pending the decision of his removal proceedings. Castano said, “ERO Washington, D. C. will continue to prioritize public safety by apprehending and removing the most egregious noncitizen threats from our neighborhoods.”

The Fairfax County Sheriff’s office did not respond to requests for comment.

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  1. Ephraim Ponce

    May 1, 2024 at 7:28 am

    The punish Trump for speaking his mind, but they let a known illegal alien, a pedophile, out to molest as many children as he can. Just think about that. The addiction to adding as many illegal voters are more important than children’s safety. The left wing truly hates this country and its people.

  2. James Vanlue

    May 1, 2024 at 12:38 pm

    Whomever released him from the detention center should stand in his place then.

  3. Bill Casey

    May 1, 2024 at 12:53 pm

    This is why we need Donald John Trump in the Oval Office again. Everyone MUST vote for him or America is dead in it’s tracks.

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Wyatt Porter is a seasoned writer and constitutional scholar who brings a rugged authenticity and deep-seated patriotism to his work. Born and raised in small-town America, Wyatt grew up on a farm, where he learned the value of hard work and the pride that comes from it. As a conservative voice, he writes with the insight of a historian and the grit of a lifelong laborer, blending logic with a sharp wit. Wyatt’s work captures the struggles and triumphs of everyday Americans, offering readers a fresh perspective grounded in traditional values, individual freedom, and an unwavering love for his country.
