This Day in History | 1799 A French soldier discovers the Rosetta Stone near Alexandria Egypt. The irregularly shaped stone contained passages written in Greek, Egyptian...
This Day in History | 1940 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who first took office in 1933 as America’s 32nd president, is nominated for an unprecedented third term....
This Day in History | 1955 Disneyland, Walt Disney’s metropolis of nostalgia, fantasy and futurism, opens. The $17 million theme park was built on 160 acres...
This Day in History | 1945 The Manhattan Project comes to an explosive end as the first atom bomb is successfully tested in Alamogordo, New Mexico....
This Day in History | 2006 The San Francisco-based podcasting company Odeo officially releases Twttr—later changed to Twitter—its short messaging service (SMS) for groups, to the...
This Day in History | 1968 Atlanta Braves slugger Henry “Hank” Aaron hits the 500th home run of his career in a 4-2 win over the...
This Day in History | 1985 Prince Charles and Princess Diana officially open Live Aid in London, a worldwide rock concert organized to raise money for...
This Day in History | 1862 Abraham Lincoln creates the Congressional Medal of Honor by signing into a law an order to create a commendation for...
This Day in History | 1804 Aaron Burr shoots and kills Alexander Hamilton during a duel in Weehawken, New Jersey. Hamilton and Burr were long-time political...
This Day in History | 2007 The United States removes the bald eagle from its List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. The bald eagle, which had...