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January 1, Trump Taps RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard for Powerful Transition Team Boost



Former President Donald Trump has garnered significant additions to his powerhouse team by enlisting former Democrats Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard to his transition team, signaling a remarkable broadening of his base “across partisan lines.”

“As President Trump’s broad coalition of supporters and endorsers expands across partisan lines, we are proud to announce that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have been added to the Trump/Vance Transition team,” stated Trump campaign senior advisor Brian Hughes.

“This is a crucial step as we work to restore America’s greatness,” Hughes emphasized.

RFK Jr., noted for his Kennedy family legacy, initially entered the 2024 race as a Democrat before transitioning to run as an Independent. Last week, in a historic shift, he suspended his campaign and endorsed Trump, illustrating the growing appeal of Trump’s vision beyond traditional party boundaries.

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a seasoned veteran and former Democrat representing Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district, also renounced her previous party allegiance and declared her endorsement of Trump, identifying herself now as an Independent.

“Standing before you today, I don’t identify as merely a Democrat, Republican, or Independent. I stand as an American who loves our nation,” Gabbard passionately declared. “If you cherish peace and freedom, I urge you to join me in electing President Donald J. Trump and help him return to the White House to execute the challenging tasks essential for saving our country.”

Remarkably, Gabbard, who competed against Kamala Harris in the 2019 Democratic presidential primary, has been tapped by Trump for her insight and prowess in debate preparation for his upcoming September 10 showdown against the Vice President at the National Constitutional Center in Philadelphia.

In a heartfelt social media post this week, RFK Jr. elaborated on his interpretation of “MAGA,” infusing it with a sense of hopeful nationalism. “‘Make America Great Again’ evokes a nation rich in vitality, driven by a can-do spirit and belief in itself. It was an America that faced its darker shadows, acknowledged injustices, and yet proudly celebrated its achievements,” Kennedy expressed.

“It was a nation marked by broad prosperity, a world-leading middle class, and a consistent (though imperfectly applied) commitment to freedom, justice, and democracy. This was a beacon of innovation, productivity, and technology, once the healthiest country in the world. I’ve conversed extensively with Trump supporters, his inner circle, and the man himself. This shared vision is the America they yearn to revive,” Kennedy declared.

The inclusion of these respected voices into Trump’s coalition underscores a growing acknowledgment that the future of America depends on uniting forces across the spectrum to steer the country back to its foundational principles and unparalleled greatness.

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  1. Oscar Hernandez

    August 31, 2024 at 7:34 pm

    RFK, jr. has proven himself to be a man of integrity. Gabbard, on the other hand, is an opportunist. She’s no conservative, that’s for sure. I would advise President Trump to be wary of her.

  2. Dorothy D'Angelo

    August 31, 2024 at 9:12 pm

    Excellent Move, President Trump! Kennedy switching sides is so remarkable. He finally became a person that just wants America to become strong, and healthy again, in lieu of his ego. Bravo Mr. Kennedy for being brave enough to keep ‘parties’ out of the equation, risking alienating your Democratic family, and probably life-long friends. Why? Because you love America just as much as Donald Trump does. God Speed to both of you brave men!

  3. Boyd Smith

    August 31, 2024 at 11:31 pm

    I remain—-and am growing MORE & MORE CONCERNED about Trump’s very obvious SWERVE to the Left? Trump might be getting some very poor advice during the last several months,.. on going more ‘pro-abortion’,.. ‘pro-LGBTetc.’,… ‘pro-legalized-marijuana’,… and anti-Ukraine? Aligning with RFK,Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Tucker Carlson,.. and other contradictory-to-Reagan-Christian-Conservatism Principles pseudo-Conservatives— is gradually whittling-away at my confidence in Trump. Trump is abandoning the policies and principles that inspired me to vote for him twice, in favor of becoming more ‘political’ (political-expediency). Some people believe that Trump is America’s savior (messiah/)). Trump is just another flawed’ human who did a decent job in the office of President—-with generally good policies. And now if that same person abandons a large portion of those good policies, we should NOT support him based only on past success,.. but on present actions and principles. of truth of the Bible. BUT many Trump-can-do-no-wrong folks think that America—and it’s Constitution ARE TOO WEAK to withstand Socialist-Statist’ evil? They believe ONLY Trump can salvage our ship of state? This is Wrong! And I’m definitely NOT saying the DNC is right,… they will sink the US Liberty more quickly…. while Trump,.. based on some modified policy-positions will sink it more slowly. I do not know who I’ll vote for? Definitely NOT the Democrat,… and as of now, NOT for Trump.. Perhaps I’ll waste my vote on a write-in candidate who sticks closer to the principles of truth I believe in? I voted for Trump twice,…I have considerable trepidation to vote for him now since he seems to be swerving dramatically into ‘political-expediency’ to gain votes? I think he has some very poor advisors,.. and is sliding off the rails—- no longer representing ‘Republican’ principles,.. especially Reagan-principles, Conservative responsible-Liberty principles, and Biblical Principles. Is there an alternative Conservative to vote for, or should we vote at all, in your opinion?
    I’ve written to both Trump and JD(‘D’ for Dugin) Vance,… but receive no replies, other than pleas for more ‘donations’? I feel like we’re just being ‘played’ based on Trump’s past policies — which Trump is abandoning.

    God Bless Ukraine,.. God Bless Israel,… God Bless (goodness and truth in) America!

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