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January 1, Trump Slams NY Times, Calls for Resignations | Wealth Tax Gains Momentum | Measles Outbreaks in Decline



This Day in History | 1787

Delegates in Philadelphia sign the United States Constitution.

Good morning Middle Americans!

Happy Constitution Day. Personally its one of my favorite days of the year. The Constitution is an amazing document, please take some time to read it, especially the Bill of Rights. It’s a good reminder of why millions of people are willing to risk death to try and come here. 

In the news today, President Trump is calling for mass resignations after the New York Times latest hit piece on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  Liberal lawmakers calls for a wealth tax seem to be gaining momentum.  And it finally looks like the measles epidemic is waning, but it’s still bad in some parts of the country.   Read all about it. 

Fraser Dixon

Trump Calls for Mass Resignation at NY Times

(The Washington Examiner) – “I call for the Resignation of everybody at The New York Times involved in the Kavanaugh SMEAR story, and while you’re at it, the Russian Witch Hunt Hoax, which is just as phony! They’ve taken the Old Grey Lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue and ruined her reputation,” Trump tweeted.

The President’s Tweet comes after The NY Times over the weekend published a story including a new allegation of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh from his time as a student at Yale.

The claim hinged on the recollection of a Yale classmate who the news outlet reported contacted the FBI and lawmakers during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. The essay was based on a forthcoming book written by two Times reporters.

But in the book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh,” the woman declined to be interviewed. Moreover, her friends said she did not recall the incident.

Read more from the Washington Examiner here

Related — Sr. Senate Democrat on Chances of Kavanaugh Impeachment: “Get Real”

Progressive Tax-the-Rich Push Gains Momentum

(The Hill) – The progressive push to raise taxes on the rich is gaining new momentum.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who has already proposed a wealth tax to raise funds for a variety of new government programs, on Thursday unveiled a plan to expand Social Security by creating two taxes on wage and investment income for wealthy Americans.

Separately, Sen. Ron Wyden (Ore.), the top Democrat on the Senate’s tax-writing committee, rolled out his own proposal designed to prevent the rich from avoiding taxes on their investment gains.

Since the start of the year, much of the debate around taxes among Democrats has been over how much and how best to raise taxes on the rich.

Find out more from the Hill here

New Measles Cases decline in U.S., but Outbreak Isn’t Over Yet

(Axios) – Most cases are in unvaccinated people, whose infections often originated from travelers from countries where “large measles outbreaks are occurring,” CDC said. And while the numbers here have dropped, it only takes one unvaccinated group for the extremely contagious virus to establish a new foothold.

As of Sept. 5, there still were 1,241 confirmed cases in 31 states this year. This is the largest outbreak in the U.S. in 27 years.

Learn more from Axios here

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