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January 1, Teen Vandalizes WWI Memorial: Father Hands Him Over to Police

A teenager allegedly involved in vandalizing a World War I memorial in Central Park was handed over to the police by his father. The 16-year-old anti-Israel protester is accused of spray-painting “Gaza” on the memorial dedicated to Americans who fought in World War I.
He has been charged with third-degree criminal mischief, a felony, and making graffiti, a misdemeanor, according to a local news source.
NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry posted a blurred photo of the teenager in handcuffs after being turned in by his father. He stated, “The despicable vandalism we saw earlier this week on the WWI Memorial will not be ignored, and will not go unpunished.”
Daughtry added, “This isn’t simply juvenile hijinks- it’s an act of desecration that undermines the freedoms our heroes fought and died for.”
Police sources revealed that the teenager has no prior arrests and attends Tottenville High School on Staten Island. The vandalism took place during the “Day of Rage” protests, where anti-America and anti-Israel protesters gathered around the memorial on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
During the protest, an American flag was burned, and stickers reading “Stop the Genocide. End the apartheid. Free Palestine” were placed on the memorial.
Interestingly, there appeared to be no police presence at the memorial during the protest. Many NYPD officers were assigned to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where the Met Gala was taking place. Over two dozen protesters were arrested on Monday, including 35-year-old Manolo De Los Santos, leader of a radical nonprofit group.
However, De Los Santos was only issued a court summons, making it unlikely he will face any punishment for his actions during the Manhattan demonstrations.
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May 18, 2024 at 7:34 pm
NOW HEAR THIS – – don’t care “who” you are, or “who” your parents are; if you are anti-American and anti-Israel, that means you support terrorism AND terrorists. Therefore, you do NOT deserve to live in the USA and continue to spread your poisonous filth; the ONLY place for you is IN GAZA, so pack your junk and leave TODAY – – otherwise, you may, soon, find yourself spending the rest of your years in prison- – better yet, since you are traitors, most would want you executed for treason! What you advocate for is NOT freedom of speech, nor democracy, so you do NOT belong in the USA.
Margaret Daronco
May 18, 2024 at 7:57 pm
This is ridiculous. This teen must receive some penalty….paying for cleaning the statue or made to clean it himself. He should have to meet with a corrections officer to discuss the seriousness of his actions and warnings for future penalties if he should continue his actions.
Jerry DuPree
May 18, 2024 at 8:25 pm
Proud of this father for doing the right thing, but this kid should have been taught principles of what is right and to think for himself. He should never let others influence his actions. He knows the rule of action and reaction. He does however deserve some kind of punishment, if nothing else of cleaning this landmark public with and audience watching it be done.
Ruth Broch
May 18, 2024 at 10:10 pm
These ignorant fools need to be taught a lesson. There is NO apartheid in Israel. A simple 5 minute visit here will totally dispel this blood libel. There is NO genocide of so-called “palestinians” by Israel. The genocide was committed against us Jews on Oct. 7th, and then the Jew-hating media and idiot leftwing fools tried to turn the tables on us by accusing US of genocide!! Gaza was totally free, not a single Jew was there for 18 years when they committed the genocide against us. The media has allowed these blood libels against us to metastasize, turning what once was America into the Nazi Germany of today – with the once Democrat Party now the actual New Nazi Party of America.
May 18, 2024 at 11:15 pm
We need more parents like this. Thank you.
the traveller
May 19, 2024 at 1:58 am
Make him clean it off and then re-paint, in the original color, with him buying the paint.
roni unger
May 19, 2024 at 3:52 am
When are people going to learn that the only right they have to deface property is when the property is their OWN.
Jeffrey James Kober
May 19, 2024 at 12:12 pm
The truly sad truth is that he, and others like him, have no idea of the sacrifice made by defenders of this nation, let alone the conditions citizens in other nations have to endure,just to survive! We should have programs that include peace corps type’feild trips’ to third world countries as part of the sentence,to educate offenders on just how privileged they are to be US Citizens !
May 19, 2024 at 2:59 pm
My paternal grandfather enlisted for WW I but never saw action. My maternal grandfather was only 16 so not old enough to fight. However, my maternal grandfather was one of 11 children and three of his older brothers answered the call in Canada. They fought up to Vimy Ridge (1917) and at some point after or during that battle, they were all gassed. One died and the other two never recovered.
Thank you, dad, for turning in your son. Ten million people died in WW I (The first million was only in 4 months time.)