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January 1, Southwest Customer Films Shocking Encounter with Police



1905: American anarcho-syndicalist union known as the Industrial Workers of the World forms.

A traveler filmed her encounter with an airport police officer at Nashville International Airport (BNA), who was threatening to arrest a group of Southwest Airlines passengers waiting for information on their delayed flight.

“I thought that it would be best to start recording ’cause I wasn’t sure what was going to happen,” said Amani Robinson, who recorded the video.

Robinson and her mother, Shelley Morrison, were trying to make their flight on Christmas Day to their family in Cleveland, Ohio.

While inside the terminal, a BNA police officer approached them. The video showed the officer saying, “You and her need to leave or you’ll be arrested for trespassing.”

An incredulous Morrison asked in the video: “You said you’re going to arrest people for trespassing, for being at a ticket counter for a flight?”

“Yes, if you don’t have a valid ticket, and you’re on the secure side and refuse to leave, you will be arrested,” the officer responded.

Morrison told local news outlet WKRN, “It was absolutely shocking to experience that.”

“I think that the comments were meant to strike a chord of fear, and honestly, for a moment, fear rose up, but then a righteous indignation kind of rose up as well,” she added.

The pair were among the hundreds of passengers stuck at the airport amid the winter storm.

“It was bad enough to have the difficulties with travel. We understand we can’t control the weather, but the insult to injury was our treatment by the authorities there at the airport,” Morrison said.

“I think it was entirely inappropriate and unnecessary,” she said. “For there to be a threat of being arrested, when there was no belligerent behavior, no disrespect towards the officer, or any other officers.”

Source: The Hill



  1. Donna

    January 2, 2023 at 6:28 am

    Anyone else want to fly Southwest Airlines after this report ?! Would take a bus before I would hitch a ride on this airline!!! Used to be pretty good one but the times have changed I see……..

  2. M Mills

    January 2, 2023 at 7:42 am

    We must stop putting up with this type of treatment from non-qualified “law enforcement” personal. Someone needs to be a much better job of vetting these people. Enough already!!!

  3. Jane U

    January 2, 2023 at 8:26 am

    Southwest has declined in so many areas of service. I have been loyal to them for my on-average annual flights back home, coast to coast. I am no longer loyal. I don’t need to check bags for ‘free’. They’ve lost my luggage (and my son’s) more than once, causing me to have to scramble to buy replacement necessary clothes and toiletries emergently. They are the only airlines I’ve flown on (compared to Delta, eg) that will not give you the actual tiny bottle when you order a drink, imposing on you a poured drink into a questionably clean plastic cup. They claim it’s the ‘law’ but that ‘doesn’t fly’ with me… The flight attendants tend to be unfriendly (not that I need a temporary ‘friend’ to chat with) . But I closed out my Southwest Visa (Chase card) when I read about the pro-life flight attendant who was fired for objecting to her extorted union dues money being spent on pro-abortion marches to DC, etc. What an outrage!! I am so glad SW not only was ordered to restore her to her position, but pay significant punitive damages. Going forward, as I have learned to ‘travel light’ and not check bags (to be lost or mishandled), I would rather pay a bit more and select my own seat, get the space (or window) that I pay for, not have to worry about being squashed and having someone hanging onto or pounding their knees into my seat. SW seats, even for a small woman like me, are way too tight and uncomfortable. And the old planes make me very nervous, and have had issues on flights I’ve been on in the past.

  4. Timothy

    January 2, 2023 at 10:20 am

    it is amazing, how much abuse Amerikans will endure from the gov’t. that they are FORCED to pay for, still believing they are free?

  5. jil

    January 2, 2023 at 10:34 am

    the arlines companies have such a bad PR messenging these days against the odds of soemthing not going worng
    why go near them – there are so many problems these days with flying, the only thing I have not experienced is the plane crashing into the ground and that’s it

    I have been on flights that passengers are fightning with one another- passengers screaming uncontrollable
    little kids screaming for 6 hrs behind you- crew members fightning with passengers – planes starting to create issues at 30,000 ft and having to decend as an emeregncy landing was hair spittling –

    these days I will not go near them – its much more enjoyment to take a train, vehicles to see the sights – riding a motorcycle during the warmer weather – you get the picture

  6. Fred

    January 2, 2023 at 5:22 pm

    Like others, I used to be very loyal to Southwest, back when the crew enjoyed good-natured humor (like singing the safety briefing to jingle bells) and people didn’t take themselves so freaking seriously. We all got along. I can’t count how many times I witnessed passengers (yes, myself included) accommodating others just because they were nice, and that’s what Southwest was supposedly all about. Now all airlines, along with big tech and pharma, are just proxies for woke anti-American idiocy. I won’t fly with any airline that doesn’t guarantee the pilots are unvaxxed, so that rules me out of flying commercial at all. The ultra-rich have already figured it out and are demanding unvaxxed pilots for their jet charters. We people should simply refuse to fly on these airlines until they get back to *serving* their customers. A European country’s people defeated the fake COV!D lockdowns in less than 3 weeks by refusing to do business with the so-called “essential” businesses that were “allowed” to stay open; we should do the same with the airlines. And since the politicians who steal elections (both parties) and don’t care about the people, let’s vote with our wallets – even these globalist proxies understand that.

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