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January 1, Preacher Arrested for Reading Bible in Public



1863: The Battle of Gettysburg, the largest battle ever fought on the American continent, ends in a major victory for the Union during the U.S. Civil War.

A preacher says Seattle police officers arrested him for reading his Bible at a public park near a Gay Pride event.

Seattle Police Department officers reportedly surrounded Matthew Meinecke and escorted him to a local police station, where he was fingerprinted and released.

“So at this point, we can no longer stand by,” an officer told Meinecke before arresting him, according to video footage. “The risk that you pose for public safety by remaining here can be mitigated if you leave, it’s your last chance.”

“I don’t want to leave because I’m not in danger,” Meinecke said.

Meinecke also claimed attendees had “destroyed” his bibles out of “hate for my Christian beliefs.”

“I was at the Seattle Center, reading the Bible, not aggressively preaching, not stirring people up, not anything,” Meinecke said. “People throwing things, people vandalizing our property. I think about 10 police officers showed up.”

“We’ve got a city full of crime,” the preacher said. “We’ve got needles all over the place. Lawless homeless camps everywhere. We’ve got assaults. We’ve got broken glass. We’ve got Antifa running the place. But they’ve got time to send in ten police officers to arrest a street preacher reading his Bible in a park.”


  1. Jason Prather

    July 3, 2022 at 7:16 am

    DEFUND the stinking seattle pig force until they apologize and are willing to do this to someone publicly reading the koran!

    • Old Fur Trapper

      July 5, 2022 at 2:48 pm

      It’s not the police that did this on their own! It’s the mayor and entire city council that must be removed by any and all force to regain control of the city! And if necessary, declare martial law. I am 100% sure those police are just as fed up! And they only acted on orders from the asshole leftists that complained or they would be fired! Defunding the police will do absolutely nothing but get innocent people killed! What in Hell do you think cutting their funding will do besides getting innocent people hurt and killed because the criminal elements know police can’t respond because there are no police? No police because you cut their funding?

  2. james hunt

    July 3, 2022 at 7:37 am

    The stupidity of the left does not shock me any more! God is our “ONLY” hope! We have thrown God out of our Government, Schools, Homes, Church, and we ask why are things the way they are? Where God is not Satan is!!! Until we turn back to God things will continue to spiral down!!! Ultra MEGA, American Patriot, red, yellow, black, white ready to right the ship and be “GOD LEAD” into battle to SAVE AMERICA FOR GODS GLORY!!!!

    • Rattlerjake

      July 4, 2022 at 4:55 am

      Read your Bible! GOD is NOT going to do anything to save a godless nation like the US. He told us in prophesy that this nation would fall in the end times. The US has represented satan far longer than it represented Yahweh! Our nation has pushed greed, corruption, love of money, lies, acceptance of perversion, promiscuity, false religions, mixed races, false witness, feminism, all in the name of freedom. Our money says “In God We Trust” right next to the pagan pyramid and all seeing eye! Prophesy is being fulfilled, just as it was for Sodom and Gomorrah!

  3. Koby

    July 3, 2022 at 7:43 am

    The Seattle police are a disgrace, it pains me to say. They’ve got photos of people committing a hate crime against the preacher, yet they arrest him? They remind me of the Nazis who used the excuse that they were just following orders. The preacher was attacked and assaulted and they did NOTHING. Conservatives back the blue, but the blue doesn’t back them.

  4. Ruth

    July 3, 2022 at 10:03 am

    How strange that no arrests made for street violence – such as burning businesses & buildings, stealing from businesses, clubbing in streets, taking over parts of cities & renaming them – but a quiet preacher man reading the Good Book arrested? Did his actions disturb the LGBQTs – due the Good Book’s message???

    • joseph washburn

      July 3, 2022 at 10:58 am

      Until we recognize that Satan will do as much damage as he can we will cintinue to slide down that hole to Hell.
      It is strange how people do not understand how their selfish ways are leading them to disaster

    • Rattlerjake

      July 4, 2022 at 4:52 am

      Read your Bible! GOD is NOT going to do anything to save a godless nation like the US. He told us in prophesy that this nation would fall in the end times. The US has represented satan far longer than it represented Yahweh! Our nation has pushed greed, corruption, love of money, lies, acceptance of perversion, promiscuity, false religions, mixed races, false witness, feminism, all in the name of freedom. Our money says “In God We Trust” right next to the pagan pyramid and all seeing eye! Prophesy is being fulfilled, just as it was for Sodom and Gomorrah!

    • Rattlerjake

      July 4, 2022 at 4:54 am

      They didn’t even arrest the scum that tore up the man’s Bibles!

    • Rattlerjake

      July 4, 2022 at 4:54 am

      Read your Bible! GOD is NOT going to do anything to save a godless nation like the US. He told us in prophesy that this nation would fall in the end times. The US has represented satan far longer than it represented Yahweh! Our nation has pushed greed, corruption, love of money, lies, acceptance of perversion, promiscuity, false religions, mixed races, false witness, feminism, all in the name of freedom. Our money says “In God We Trust” right next to the pagan pyramid and all seeing eye! Prophesy is being fulfilled, just as it was for Sodom and Gomorrah!

  5. Dalmar 027

    July 3, 2022 at 11:34 am

    I enjoy bible study at mcds for 2yrs on Sunday No hassle but when you’re dealing with gay parades to get down and kiss their feet.

  6. John

    July 7, 2022 at 6:45 am

    This is pure gestapo tactics

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