January 1, Joe Rogan Blasts Catholic Church

Controversial podcaster Joe Rogan recently made incendiary comments about the Vatican, saying it was “filled with pedophiles and stolen art.”
Rogan’s remarks came during a recent episode of his immensely popular podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience.
Rogan pontificated on “why isn’t everybody really freaking out about” the Catholic Church’s crimes.
“I was just in Italy, and one of the things that’s nuts is the Vatican is a country,” Rogan told his guests Francis Foster and Konstantin Kisin. “It’s a country filled with pedophiles. It’s a country filled with pedophiles and stolen art.”
“It’s a small, like hundred yard — Like what is it? A hundred acres, I think,” he continued. “Yeah. It’s a hundred acre rather, a country inside of a city filled with pedophiles.”
“This is why I love America, man,” said Kisin, a fellow podcaster. “Cause in the UK, we have libel laws. So if you say something like that and you then have to be able to prove it, otherwise you can get sued.”
“Well, you can kind of prove that,” Rogan responded, adding that Pope Benedict XVI “was wanted in other countries for crimes against humanity.”
“I mean like what he was doing was really evil. He was moving offenders to other places and one of them he moved a guy that went on to molest a hundred deaf kids,” he continued.
“I mean, this guy was already molesting, and then they say, well, let’s just instead of trying him and removing him from the church, we will just move him to a place where people can’t hear.”

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August 1, 2022 at 7:29 pm
Well, Joe Rogan – -since you obviously do not like pedophiles, why don’t you try concentrating on the other groups that contain just as many, if not MORE than the Vatican. The Catholic Church IS “policing it’s own” and the bad apples are being removed, one by one. So YOU should concentrate on the doctors, lawyers, teachers, janitors, registered sex offenders, preachers, AND POLITICIANS who are JUST AS BAD OR WORSE!!
You have a “hate” for the Catholic Church, that’s plain enough to see and we do NOT NEED any more hate in this world. If you cannot manage to “curb” your ugly rhetoric, I recommend you SHUT THE HELL UP!
Tired of It
August 1, 2022 at 7:54 pm
Better yet, how about calling out all the Democrats who thinks it’s okay to mutilate children to give them “gender reassignment” not knowing what the long-term effects are going to be, both physically and psychologically.
August 1, 2022 at 8:04 pm
It’s the people like you, who defend the pagan catholic church that is even worse. “The Catholic Church IS “policing it’s own””??? That’s a laugh.
An Associated Press investigation published in Oct. 2019 found that nearly 1,700 priests and clergy members whom the Roman Catholic Church deemed “credibly accused” of child sexual abuse weren’t being supervised by law enforcement or religious authorities. https://youtu.be/A0gsjrcAi9w
“These priests, deacons, monks and laypeople now teach middle-school math,” the AP’s Claudia Lauer and Meghan Hoyer wrote. “They counsel survivors of sexual assault. They work as nurses and volunteer at nonprofits aimed at helping at-risk kids. They live next to playgrounds and daycare centers. They foster and care for children. And in their time since leaving the church, dozens have committed crimes.” https://marketrealist.com/p/how-many-priests-have-been-convicted/
Nothing but a pagan cult masquerading as “Christianity”. Created by the pharisees and the roman government to control true followers of Yahweh God.
August 1, 2022 at 8:11 pm
August 1, 2022 at 8:17 pm
“The Catholic Church IS “policing it’s own””???? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! An Associated Press investigation published in Oct. 2019 found that nearly 1,700 priests and clergy members whom the Roman Catholic Church deemed “credibly accused” of child sexual abuse weren’t being supervised by law enforcement or religious authorities.
“These priests, deacons, monks and laypeople now teach middle-school math,” the AP’s Claudia Lauer and Meghan Hoyer wrote. “They counsel survivors of sexual assault. They work as nurses and volunteer at nonprofits aimed at helping at-risk kids. They live next to playgrounds and daycare centers. They foster and care for children. And in their time since leaving the church, dozens have committed crimes.”
August 1, 2022 at 8:18 pm
“The Catholic Church IS “policing it’s own””???? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! An Associated Press investigation published in Oct. 2019 found that nearly 1,700 priests and clergy members whom the Roman Catholic Church deemed “credibly accused” of child sexual abuse weren’t being supervised by law enforcement or religious authorities.
“These priests, deacons, monks and laypeople now teach middle-school math,” the AP’s Claudia Lauer and Meghan Hoyer wrote. “They counsel survivors of sexual assault. They work as nurses and volunteer at nonprofits aimed at helping at-risk kids. They live next to playgrounds and daycare centers. They foster and care for children. And in their time since leaving the church, dozens have committed crimes.”
https :// marketrealist .com/p/how-many-priests-have-been-convicted/
https :// youtu .be/A0gsjrcAi9w
(rmove the spaces in the links)
Carol Stevens
August 1, 2022 at 8:23 pm
August 1, 2022 at 10:32 pm
Whats rhetorical? They send those pedophile fucks here to new mexico for “rehabilitation”. A lot of them. https://www.bishop-accountability.org/2021/04/in-new-mexico-shadows-of-a-former-haven-for-troubled-priests/
Tropical one
August 2, 2022 at 12:10 am
The Catholic Church has done a lot more than other churches to bring schools, hospitals, food, shelter, etc, etc. Why is it that there is little mention of that?! Easy target, helping the work of Satan to bring us down? We are very far from perfect, but at least we don’t sit on our hands and just criticize.
Denis Baumgartner
August 2, 2022 at 9:37 am
Good advice for Joe. ie. Just shut the F^^F up!
Judith DiPietro
August 2, 2022 at 11:51 am
Mike L
August 1, 2022 at 7:54 pm
Yes , their are cases of pedophiles in the Catholic Church. There are many in other churches and religions a d society as well. It is a sad commentary on humanity.
Rather than criticize one group , let’s work to change society. I assure you there are very good, honest and moral Catholics who want to see an end to such depravity. I know there are many good people in the Vatican who are God fearing and loving people .
Those that are not will face their maker.
Sharon N. Hansen
August 1, 2022 at 8:50 pm
Joe is absolutely correct on this.
Rudy Cutrera
August 2, 2022 at 10:58 am
Whether Joe is correct is not the correct answer,there area lot of good priests & nuns & other pure Catholics ,so why should Joe judge the minority & leave this to the Pope & God Almighty? We are all sinners & should not judge others!! My wife’s uncle was a Holy cross brother , all his life & CPA’s for Norte Dame university ,& he and his order were good people!!
Philip Seth Hammersley
August 2, 2022 at 3:43 pm
There are Catholics who are Christians and there are Catholics who are heathen. Just BEING Catholic means NOTHING. And there certainly are (and were) many Catholic pedophiles, but there are many in other denominations and a lot in the no-church crowd. Their current “Papa” is a Marxist so it would behoove them to try to get a better “Papa.”
August 3, 2022 at 12:23 pm
The sick degeneracy and violation oF NATURAL LAW is met with death in much of the world that is not perverted. Forget the word SIN and use the words Natural Law. One is positive. The reason Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed is that they failed to reproduce.
David P
August 6, 2022 at 5:13 pm
The Catholic Church has always had evil hidden — or not so hidden inside it. Every human institution is the same, whether it is the Baptist Church, or the Congress, or even your local city counsel….. What makes the Church different is that it was established by Christ, promotes the Sacraments given to it by Christ, founds hospitals, opposes evils like abortion, starts schools that don’t promote woke nonsense like gender fluidity, etc. etc. Without the Catholic Church, with all its flaws, our world would be a much more horrid place than it is. The Church doesn’t change, it cannot, but remember, even at the first Eucharistic celebration, there was evil, Judas, who left early.