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January 1, Hollywood’s Trump Election Hoax: Elite Disinformation Exposed

Once again, Hollywood elites have taken to promoting a hoax about former President Donald Trump. They’ve falsely claimed that Trump plans to abolish elections if he were to regain office, a severe distortion of his actual message.
In a recent speech, the former president urged Christians to show their voting power in full force this November. A short 27-second video clip taken out of context has been used to stir up these spurious allegations.
In his speech, Trump assured his audience, “In four years, you won’t have to vote again.” The Hollywood glitterati distorted these words, alleging that Trump intends to ban elections. However, the reality of his message was lost in their frenzy.
Trump was encouraging a strong voter turnout to aid in his mission of implementing robust voter ID requirements. The goal of these measures is to diminish massive voter participation that arises solely to counterbalance alleged voter fraud. Thus, Trump was conveying that, with such reforms in place, voters wouldn’t need to worry about turnout volume.
Trump voiced his dedication to securing elections and instituting a voter ID prerequisite. He also indicated his readiness to negotiate with Democrats on the subject and criticized their seeming reluctance. His words were clear: “There’s only one reason they do that. Because they want to cheat.”
Despite these clarifications, prominent figures such as Rob Reiner, Mia Farrow, and Barbra Streisand have spread the distorted narrative to their sizable social media followers, contributing to the disinformation. Scott Derrickson, the director of Disney’s Doctor Strange, also participated in spreading this baseless falsehood.
These skewed interpretations of Trump’s words are part of the broader campaign to paint him as an enemy of democracy. It is both a way to distract voters and a political maneuver to gloss over the fact that Democrat elites effectively overturned their presidential primary and installed Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s candidate without her earning a single vote.
In reality, Trump’s call for voter ID reforms is merely a step toward preserving the integrity of our democratic system. It is concerning that members of the Hollywood elite rather focus on spreading hoaxes and false narratives under the guise of ‘saving democracy,’ than join the conversation about safeguarding the integrity of one of our most vital democratic processes – voting.
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August 1, 2024 at 8:00 pm
I am surprised these idiots haven’t come up with something. They don’t know what to do. They are trying to convince us how wonderful America is doing under this Administration; Biden is as and gets COVID healthy as a horse even though he can’t read the teleprompter can’t walk, can’t talk, constantly lose trend of thought, gets COVID and has to return to Delaware where he should have stayed for the last 3 1/2 years. Then you have the guts to say Trump lies. Man, you talk about weird – the news media has lied to us since day one. Once donations stopped, you see how fast they dropped his butt.
August 2, 2024 at 12:18 am
Le 14:14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering, and the priest shall put it upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot:
Trump has been making some very “Accurate” predictions about things, which leads me to believe God is using him.
Every charge/Trial against Trump and proved to convict the Prosecutor/Judges of more unlawful action than any against Trump.
The Assassination attempt has all the characteristics of a “Divine Marking”, Blood on the ear and right hand is expected, but having a shoe come off so blood could drip on a toe is hard to believe of being a “Coincidence”.
According to scripture, we are at the “End of time”, but first a “Trump Of God” to Rapture the church must be heard,
Listening to a man named “TRUMP” at the same time the “Trump Of God” is to heard, is really stretching those coincidences.
Now Trump is saying we won’t have to vote anymore, “COULD IT BE”, God is using him to “Unconscionably” predict the Church Rapture before the next election after this one is over?????
According to the timelines in scripture it’s time for the rapture, and 7 years of Tribulation after the church rapture.
Since un-believer can’t understand the scriptures and many believers are “Falling away” not many see/understand the “Spiritual things” going on the world.
Carole Smith
August 2, 2024 at 12:47 am
I would not vote for Trump no matter what he said. He is a convicted felon and a convicted sexual abuser.