January 1, Father Gets Pregnant — Because Definitions Don’t Matter

2+2 = 5 … If you redefine 2 to be “2.5”. This is the game that the Modern Left is playing: A game called “Definitions Don’t Matter”. What is a woman? The answer to the left is “Whatever WE want a woman to be”. As long as the “WE” in that statement is of the same ideological persuasion of the modern left.
This game was played recently by National Public Radio (NPR) when they decided to redefine the concept of fatherhood this past Father’s Day. They did this by showcasing a pregnant biological woman, who self-identifies as a man, as part of their Father’s Day tribute. Kayden Coleman, is a 37-year-old individual born as a woman, that identifies as a man, and is currently raising two daughters.
Now, before we continue, I want to make it clear that I don’t have any issues with an individual’s chosen identity. If you want to call yourself a giraffe I could care less, that is your right as a free American. So long as you don’t force me to call you a giraffe; that is where I draw the line. You don’t get to redefine reality just because you feel like it. I feel like a millionaire, don’t make it true though – no matter how much I stomp my feet, and call my bank account a bigot.
What we should question, In my view, is the basis on which a society chooses to define the concepts that have been held for centuries. It seems like every day there’s a new idea being introduced that challenges the traditional norms. This is a feature not a bug. If the left can redefine language at whim they can manipulate truth itself.
This argument was articulated by George Orwell in his Dystopian Novel 1984. The authoritarian government in the story demands that everyone believe 2+2=5. The reason they do this is not because the statement is true, rather it is whatever the Authority say’s to be true must be believed. That is real power; the power to control what people believe.
You; as a lowly middle class citizen, have no right to believe your own lying eyes. You must believe “the authority” of your superiors. You have no right to think for yourself. You see it all the time with slogans like “Trust the experts” and “Don’t do your own research”:
The NPR story narrates how a woman had post a double mastectomy (she paid doctors to cut off her breasts), and was told by doctors that she could not get pregnant (because of all of the drugs they put her on to give her male characteristics). A few years later, she found herself expecting. BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN…. I’m sorry, but we as a society have clearly lost our marbles.
According to NPR, she is not a woman who gave birth to a child, but a Father who gave birth. Congratulations Coleman on your new baby. As for NPR; my message to you is simple: 2+2=4 and it always will.

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June 24, 2023 at 3:05 pm
This whole idea that one’s gender can be changed with cosmetic surgery and injection of hormones for the rest of one’s life is absurd! Yes, they can make one gender “look” like the other and “sound” somewhat like the other – but a female is still a female and male is still a male. Witness the above story – a so-called man had a baby! Simply because people “say they are the opposite gender” does not make it so – how we have gotten to such ill advised, unscientific “beliefs” is beyond weird!! Nothing “fits” in that world, including males competing against females in sports, anyone having irreversible mutilation of their bodies on the off-chance that they will never want to be what they were born. but most of all adults – parents, groomers, doctors – being involved in those surgeries on minors!!! SHAME!!!
June 24, 2023 at 11:56 pm
It illustrates how the tropes the left of our society insist on often contradict themselves. They change the definition of a woman to “birthing person”, thinking that will solve the matter of gender. They forget that a “birthing person” claiming to be a man still has sex like a woman. they forget that this person can STILL conceive until her own body decides that time is up on the fertility clock. So, this “man” who is still a “birthing person” is now going to prove biological reality for them.
June 25, 2023 at 6:29 am
June 25, 2023 at 6:30 am
Where do the comments go?
June 25, 2023 at 6:50 am
So Another instance that proves that “Anyone can become a Magician” You just have to know what you are able to make people believe, no matter what or how “Twisted” the Tale you are able to tell!
I’m wondering who was so “Twisted” or maybe one might say “Attracted” to Impregnate this Man/Woman
Among the “Delusional” people that what you “Identify” yourself as, is what you actually are and are attempting to have others accept and believe as “True” So therefore Top is Bottom, Left is Right, Inside is Outside, and the Opposite of what you have always believed has now become a “Truth” and You have been lied to all your life by the Same people you Loved and Trusted so now you “Must” Believe those that are stating that Women can become Men and “Vice Versa” and Men can become Pregnant!
Don N
June 25, 2023 at 3:18 pm
Obviously the man part of her had sex with the female part since they were so close together within her. Not hard to understand how that could happen when she lived in LaLa Land.
June 25, 2023 at 7:42 am
Looks like the woman-man still had strong sexual feeling as before. Results- normal for a woman!
June 25, 2023 at 11:15 am
I don’t care what she refers herself as, the only reason she is pregnant is because she has the correct insides to do this. A biologicoal man does not have these working parts, his body contains the other half needed to make conceptin possible. So don’t say a MAN is pregnant. Never can happen.