January 1, Famous Actor Breaks Silence Following Savage Biker Gang Assault

"Ian Ziering by Gage Skidmore" by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
Famous “Beverly Hills, 90210” actor Ian Ziering recently broke his silence after allegedly being attacked by a group of bikers on the streets of Los Angeles on New Year’s Eve.
Ziering posted a lengthy statement to Instagram Monday, detailing the incident and describing his experience.
“Yesterday, I experienced an alarming incident involving a group of individuals on mini bikes,” he wrote. “While stuck in traffic, my car was approached aggressively by one of these riders leading to an unsettling confrontation.”
Ziering explained the shocking series of events leading to the vicious attack.
“In an attempt to assess any damage I exited my car. This action, unfortunately, escalated into a physical altercation, which I navigated to protect myself,” he said.
“I am relieved to report that my daughter and I are both completely unscathed, but the incident has left me deeply concerned about the growing boldness of such groups who disrupt public safety and peace.”
A video of the incident showed the bikers swarming the actor and throwing punches relentlessly while Ziering attempted to create distance and break free. The actor appeared to throw a few punches of his own in the process.
Ziering criticized local law enforcement officials for their lack of response in handling this matter.
“This situation highlights a larger issue of hooliganism on our streets and the need for effective law enforcement responses to such behavior,” he said. “As a citizen and a parent, I find it unacceptable that groups can freely engage in this kind of behavior, causing fear and chaos, while the response from authorities seems insufficient.”
He then appealed to the community as a whole.
“I have always been an advocate for standing up against intimidation and misconduct, and this incident reinforces my belief in the importance of personal and community safety. We must address the underlying issues that lead to such disruptive behavior and ensure that our streets are safe for everyone,” Ziering wrote to social media.
“I urge city officials and law enforcement to take decisive action against such lawlessness and provide the necessary resources to prevent future occurrences,” Ziering added.
He thanked his friends and family for their support before signing off. There have been no reports of suspect information at this time.
Why It Matters (op-ed)
Ian Ziering’s recent attack by a swarm of bikers in Los Angeles highlights a growing concern for public safety. The brazenness of these individuals, who targeted a well-known actor, demonstrates a disregard for authority and a sense of invincibility.
This incident should serve as a wake-up call for law enforcement and city officials. It’s unacceptable for groups to engage in such disruptive behavior, instilling fear and chaos in our communities. We must demand action against lawlessness and provide necessary resources to prevent future occurrences.
As a society, we must address the underlying issues that lead to such aggressive actions and work together to ensure safe streets for all citizens.
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Raymond Felix
January 5, 2024 at 7:15 pm
Mini bike riders are not “biker gangs”, be truthful if you expect to be believed in the future. Just a bunch of hooligans who happened to ride min bikes, definately not a “biker gang”.
Sally Swanson
January 5, 2024 at 7:27 pm
you must blame Newson for this. He is so protectieve of the wrong people.
That is why everyone is leaving CA. The land of the fruits & nuts!
Richard Krnnedy
January 5, 2024 at 7:35 pm
More people are experiencing the result of defunding the police as well as lax or no enforcement of the law, resulting in lawlessness and crime that continues to escalate out of control. And until our elected officials reverse course and get tough on criminals things are only going to get worse.
January 5, 2024 at 7:39 pm
“Famous Actor Breaks Silence Following Savage Biker Gang Assault”
The video I saw looked like kids on mini bikes, not “savage bikers”
Hate liars
January 5, 2024 at 7:45 pm
You voted for Biden and your governor! Both are unamerican unmoral evil people who hate America. When you Hollywood freaks decide to be human beings and act like you have a brain then maybe your state and America will get better and all criminals are put in jail. But I don’t think you have the honor to protect America that gave you everything.
January 5, 2024 at 7:45 pm
“bikers” do NOT ride mini-bikes or small motor scooters. Bikers dress in black leather and ride BIG motorcycles. Motorcyclist wear BRIGHT, HI VISABLE clothes, so that idiots on the phone while driving don’t run over them & kill them. They have much more to live for…. they love life itself
January 5, 2024 at 7:53 pm
All I can say is, you get what you vote for.
January 5, 2024 at 10:04 pm
If you watch the video, it appears that this fool initiated the assault and then got the asswhoopin’ he deserved.
January 5, 2024 at 11:38 pm
Why does it take a “famous” person to get protection from lawlessness, Our southern border is wide open and God only knows who/where/why these “refugees” are amongst us now! Biden and Newsom are quite a pair!
John B Hand
January 6, 2024 at 4:04 am
Every news report I have seen fails to mention one thing that is relevant to Mr. Zeiring trying to defend himself. Those bikers were all wearing helmets. It’s pretty hard to take defensive or offensive action against a group of individuals who are wearing helmets and all you have are your hands. All in all, he defended himself pretty well.
Joe Tennant
January 6, 2024 at 12:17 pm
Mr. Ziering, I am so sorry that you and your daughter had to experience that animalistic behavior from a group of thugs! Your daughter must have been terribly traumatized by this event! Folks, AMERICA HAS TO WAKE UP! We need to stand together and stop the decline of America! Every citizen that was stopped in traffic that day should have helped Mr. Ziering by doing something, by at least helping his daughter stay protected as he was being chased and beaten by a group of thugs. Remember these words, “WHAT YOU PERMIT, YOU PROMOTE!”
January 6, 2024 at 1:51 pm
This is what happens when the liberal “defund Police” politicians are in positions of leadership. Criminals are emboldened by the anti police sentiment and feel they can get away with this kind of behavior. Even if they are caught, many cities and states have catch and release policies that give the criminals a slap on the wrist.
March 14, 2024 at 2:07 pm
Yeah, and all those cities and states are run by democrats.