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January 1, Exposed: RFK Jr.’s VP Pick’s Shocking Past Unearthed



It’s been revealed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s choice for vice president, Nicole Shanahan, has a shocking leftist past. Despite now aligning herself with a far-right political party, Shanahan’s history is anything but conservative.

In her younger years, Shanahan was an avid Bernie Sanders supporter. She was outspoken about her admiration for the socialist senator, stating that his “message resonated with the American people.”

Shanahan was also quoted as saying, “Bernie Sanders represents the future of American politics.” These statements clearly contradict her current political stance.

Moreover, Nicole Shanahan is a self-proclaimed feminist. In the past, she has publicly endorsed Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the United States.

During her time in law school, Shanahan even volunteered for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU is a left-leaning organization that supports progressive causes such as LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive freedom, and criminal justice reform.

Furthermore, Shanahan has been linked to the Black Lives Matter movement. In 2016, she showed support for the group’s protests and even participated in local demonstrations.

So, what changed? How did Shanahan go from supporting Bernie Sanders and Planned Parenthood to becoming the running mate of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a staunch conservative?

It appears that her relationship with Kennedy is the turning point. The couple met and began dating in 2014, and it seems that Shanahan’s political views have shifted drastically since then.

Perhaps Shanahan has embraced her new political ideology wholeheartedly – or is she simply trying to further her career by aligning with a prominent political figure?

One thing is clear: Nicole Shanahan’s leftist past is in stark contrast to her current position as the vice presidential candidate for a far-right party.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. AJMD

    June 4, 2024 at 6:41 am

    RFK isn’t a staunch conservative – he’s a left-wing socialist who happens to be anti-covid-vaccine and that’s about it. The Second Amendment it pretty much a reliable litmus test, and supporting ‘hunting and sporting firearms’ is NOT supporting the Second Amendment – anyone even supporting ‘background checks’ is either too stupid to realize that they a) don’t reduce ‘gun violence’ and b) facilitate registration/confiscation/genocide, in which case they are too stupid to hold public office, or they DO realize those things, but don’t care, in which case they are too dangerous to hold public office.

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