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January 1, Don Lemon Gets the Boot From CNN



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It’s no secret that Don Lemon has made some missteps during his time at CNN, and it appears that his recent sexist comments on air may have been the final straw.

Now, Lemon has been terminated from his position after 17 years at the network.

While it’s always sad to see someone lose their job, even someone as bad as Lemon, I can’t say that I’m entirely surprised by this news.

Lemon’s comments were unacceptable, and I think it’s important for news organizations to hold their employees accountable for their actions.

It’s unfortunate that Lemon was not informed directly by management and had to find out from his agent.

That being said, I don’t think it’s necessarily indicative of some larger issue at play, as he suggested. CNN is a business, and sometimes tough decisions have to be made.

It’s good to see that CNN is handling this situation with professionalism and grace. The network’s statement thanking Lemon for his contributions and wishing him well in his future endeavors is a testament to their commitment to treating their employees with respect, even in difficult situations.

Of course, there are always two sides to every story, and it seems that Lemon’s initial statement claiming he was not given any indication he would not be able to continue his work at CNN may have been inaccurate.

According to the network’s communications team, he was offered an opportunity to meet with management but instead chose to release a statement on Twitter.

Source: Breitbart

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. NorthTexas78

    April 26, 2023 at 1:34 pm

    CNN Should Have Done This Years Ago!

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