January 1, Democrats Score Huge Legislative Victory Ahead of Midterms
The $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act is headed to President Joe Biden’s desk, signaling a big win for the Democrats ahead of the midterm elections.
The sweeping tax, climate, and health care bill passed through the House of Representatives in a 220-207 party-line vote, with every Democrat voting in favor and four Republicans not voting.
The House passage came just four days after the bill passed through the Senate in another party-line vote, wherein Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the Inflation Reduction Act “saves the planet while keeping more money in your pockets.”
“This bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, a package for the people, increases the leverage of the public interest over the special interests and expands health and financial security now and for generations to come,” Pelosi said.
Senate Democrats have been negotiating the package for more than a year, The Hill reported.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) had argued against the bill in a 50-minute speech on Friday, calling it “misguided.”
“Democrats, more than any other majority in history, are addicted to spending other people’s money, regardless of what we as a country can afford,” McCarthy said from the House floor.
“Today, now they are choosing to end the session by spending half-a-trillion dollars more of your money, raising taxes on the middle class, and giving handouts to their liberal allies.”
Source: The Hill
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August 15, 2022 at 7:39 pm
Very optimistic . That victory(?) as the publicc find out what effect it has on them is turning into a defeat at the Nov polls.
August 15, 2022 at 7:49 pm
I wonder the amount that will be diverted by Pig-liosi
August 15, 2022 at 7:51 pm
Democrats will do anything they want. They don’t belong anymore. Afraid your piggy banks are next don’t be surprised.
American Constitutional Republic
August 15, 2022 at 8:14 pm
Just driving the nails in the coffin for America. Putting us further into a debt America can not repay. They claim in July we have 0% inflation then pass an “Inflation Reduction Act”. Laughable how they can whistle Dixie and Yankee Doodle in the same breath.
Ira Cotton
August 15, 2022 at 8:29 pm
Woke folk should take a long nap!
August 15, 2022 at 8:45 pm
It’s corruption to say the least. The sham of climate change/power grab, will be the catalyst for rising energy prices which will mean bankruptcy for families, businesses, the whole nation will suffer, except for the wealthy, including our government millionaire politicians and plunge us even further into chaos. If we can get an honest election in this country come November, it should be the downfall of the present administration and all its tyrants.
kurt gandenberger
August 15, 2022 at 9:00 pm
brandon cynically allowed the strategic oil reserve to temporarily reduce prices in time for the mid-terms. the effect of this ludicrous bill will not be felt until after the midterms, as was planned by its authors. count on extra inflation as the effects of the bill make energy more expensive while doing next to nothing to create carbon-free alternative energy. on the bright side, manchin has told the voters of west virginia where he really stands. (his vote was traded for a single pipeline that may never be built.)
Sick and Tierd of listening to empty headed MORONS
August 15, 2022 at 10:02 pm
The countries STUPIDEST, MOST IGNORANT, DUMBEST ASSHOLES, UNEDUCATED IDIOTS that listen to these REPUBLICAN HYPOCRITES. The middle class annual salary isn’t above 400,000 you F—ING IDIOT, but those who are super rich do, and the MORONS in your party who keep LYING to you and you DUMB ASSES keep listening is because the bill effects them and they couldn’t do anything about it. So now when they go looking for money from the billionaires there pockets won’t be so full. Maybe one of these days you IDIOTS will fall out bed an bang your EMPTY F—ING HEADS and wake up to REALITY, or maybe you’ll WOKE up, whatever the F— WOKE means.
james hunt
August 16, 2022 at 10:47 am
This bill is a nail in the coffin of America! Most Americans are dumb and do not realize they are voting against themselves! I hate the way Trump acts, makes fun of people and the way they look but as far as policy there has been no greater PRESIDENT EVER! You people that are Democrats, tree huggers, non believing in God(this world is going to last at least 1007 according to the BIBLE).not America First, RINO’S are are complete INFIDELS!! We 74,000,000 Plus American Patriots Red, Yellow, Black, White must at any cost take this country back “NOW” We must take people like Biden, Obama, McConnell, Lindsey, Manchin, out of office , take the FBI, DOJ down NOW! Make sure elections on both sides are fair and if not immediately take these people to the “TRAIN STATION”, CLOSE OUR BORDERS by FORCE INCLUDING ARMs!!! Trespassers on private property shot if that is what the owner want!! That problem will solve itself! Law and order according to the BIBLE!! Before all you people attack the Bible , many times God told the Jews to build a wall for protection and kill the enemy as they attack your country! He always supplied the just!! David, Jeremiah, Jacob, Sampson ,Gideon, Daniel, Peter, Meshach, Shadrach, Abednego !! It is right to have secure borders, Law and order, and shut down, demonic people, corrupt leaders, attacks against family, 1 of 74,000,000 Plus American Patriots, Red, Yellow, Black, White that have had enough!! Everyone knows this election was rigged! and the proof has been denied because you can not see the trees because of the forest! It will never happen again without an all out Civil War that will make the 1860’S look like a child’s playground! “If” Biden was elected by the people thus be it! If it is stolen for Trump and or Biden” lives “must pay!!! Never another stolen election!! I would rather live by what said the Lord than what said Democrats and yellow back Republicans!! OUR NATION, PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE IT BECAUSE THEY WERE LIED TO IN SCHOOLS ALL OVER THIS NATION BY WEAK MINDED SATAN LED AMERICANS!!!!!,, WAS BUILT ON THE BIBLE, EVEN THOSE POLITICIANS WHO WERE NOT CHRISTIAN SAW THE IMPORTANCE OF THE BIBLE!! WHERE GOD IS NOT “SATAN IS”!!! SATAN IS NOW THE RULE OF OUR NATION!!
Gary W Moore
August 16, 2022 at 12:23 pm
That bill may be a victory for corrupt politicians but, it’s a slap in the purse for American citizens. It’s another one of those bills passed that we won’t know what’s in it until it’s passed. Bend over America, the democrats are doing it to us again.
August 16, 2022 at 1:49 pm
“…Nancy Pelosi said the Inflation Reduction Act “saves the planet while keeping more money in your pockets.””
Funny how the communists in congress never explain how that is going to happen.
Old Fur Trapper
August 17, 2022 at 7:37 pm
That piece of trash legislation, passed by the worst trash in DC, signed by a dementia brain dead pedophile/rapist I hope will be their final nail in the coffin to destroy them! The most dangerous part of that bill is the billions to hire 87,000 new IRS agents , armed and willing to kill, by their own job advertisement! The IRS has been buying millions of rounds of ammo and hundreds of thousands of firearms over the last 9 years! Those agents will be sent to harass, arrest, seize property and assets, threaten, and intimidate anyone that publicly opposes the Leftists in office! Just as Bastard Biden and Obummer weaponized the FBI and DOJ, so will these agents be used against us! And it will all be done by allegations, unfounded or proven facts and statements or verbal orders, all without documented proof or control! Everything will be hidden or denied!