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January 1, COVID Quarantine Escapees Arrested After Manhunt



In Australia, police arrested three people who escaped a COVID-19 quarantine compound. The escapees had all tested negative the day before they broke out.

Police previously said three people had scaled the perimeter fence of the Center for National Resilience compound.  

Authorities set up checkpoints and inspected cars to find the three individuals. They were quickly apprehended and taken into custody.

“Police and staff at the Center for National Resilience are currently confirming the absconder’s identities prior to releasing further information,” officials said.

The site, which can hold up to 2,000 people, is an old mining camp turned into a quarantine center by the Australian government in August.

Fears of contagion were reportedly heightened after one person at the facility tested positive for the omicron variant on Tuesday.


Covid-19 quarantine escapees arrested after manhunt


  1. Leanna

    December 6, 2021 at 11:13 am

    World War 2 came about because of a man’s determination to dominate the world. He came pretty close. We are there again. Wake up before your liberty disappears. Even if you think you are on the winning side, you will lose everything to despots if you don’t speak up before it is too late.

    • Ron

      December 6, 2021 at 1:50 pm

      100% Leanna. A great man and president once said; “If we lose freedom here, there’s no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth..” That man was, President Ronald Reagan.

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