January 1, County Places AR-15s in Every School

A school district in Madison County, North Carolina, is putting AR-15 rifles in each of its six schools to bolster security.
The move comes in the wake of the shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, earlier this year.
“We were able to put an AR-15 rifle and safes in all of our schools in the county,” Sheriff Buddy Harwood told the Asheville Citizen-Times. “We’ve also got breaching tools to go into those safes. We’ve got extra magazines with ammo in those safes.”
The breaching tools would allow police to break down barricaded doors without waiting for the fire department to arrive.
Harwood said he wants to “make sure my deputies are prepared” after police in Uvalde waited more than an hour to neutralize the shooter at Robb Elementary School.
“Those officers were in that building for so long, and that suspect was able to infiltrate that building and injure and kill so many kids,” Harwood said.
“I do not want to have to run back out to the car to grab an AR, because that’s time lost. Hopefully, we’ll never need it, but I want my guys to be as prepared as prepared can be,” he added.
Harwood continued: “I want the parents of Madison County to know we’re going to take every measure necessary to ensure our kids are safe in this school system. If my parents, as a whole, want me to stand at that door with that AR strapped around that officer’s neck, then I’m going to do whatever my parents want as a whole to keep our kids safe.”

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Old Fur Trapper
August 8, 2022 at 7:26 pm
That is being proactive to stop a shooter if needed and not have to wait for Police or others to survive! And making it public that these schools are armed is the biggest deterrent they could implement to deter future wannabe shooters! Mass shooters always target schools because the Democrats and Liberals deliberately made them “gun free’ zones for them to attack repeatedly! If those A holes wanted to really stop the shootings, then schools would be armed, staff trained, armed guards on duty and the public notified that the school is armed against mass shooters! But they won’t! THE GOLDEN RULE BY THEM IS “WE PREFER DEAD BODIES OF SCHOOL CHILDREN OVER LIVE ONES BECAUSE THAT IS OUR NARRATIVE AND STANCE”! WITHOUT THEM, THEY DON’T HAVE A CRISIS TO PROMOTE, A REASON TO FEAR MONGER OR DEMAND MORE GUN LEGISLATION! If any school has democrats or liberals for staff and the school board is the same, Then parents, GIVE THESE A HOLES THE BOOT NOW AND INSTALL THOSE THAT ARE RESPONSIBLE AND DEDICATED TO TEACHING AND PROTECTING THE SCHOOL, CHILDREN, AND STAFF WITH THE MEANS TO REPEL AND STOP A MASS SHOOTER! YOUR CHILDREN LIVES MEAN NOTHING TO DEMOCRATS AND LIBERALS LIVE! DEAD THEY ARE THE MEANS TO FURTHER THEIR AGENDA! IF YOU DON’T THINK SO, THEN DEMAND THEY ARM THE SCHOOL WITH WEAPONS, SAFES, BREACHING TOOLS AND ARMED GUARDS! IF THEY REFUSE,, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO!
Tell Me I'm Wrong
August 8, 2022 at 8:12 pm
First off, why didn’t you have a dozen PLANE with the trailing advertisement so all the people and the F—ING IDIOTS who don’t look at the news but think up SHIT like getting an AR-15 (WHICH BY THE WAY YOU REPUBLICAN MORONS ALLOW THEM TO GO BUY) and going to a school with the sole intention of KILLING, so if, when, and or how HE or SHE gets into the building there going to where the safe is and when the person who’s SUPPOSE to BE there is the one who gets the first round and unless there’s a second person your SHOOTER is probably gonna get to do what he came there to do. I wouldn’t think you would want someone walking around the school with an AR-15 hanging off his shoulder, because if they get popped now the shooter has 2. All I’m trying to point out is If you wanted to do this the only people that needed to know is the head of the school and the person who is going to be using it, the NUTS don’t have to know your plan they just have to feel the WRATH IT WILL BESTOW ON THEM.
Jerry C
August 9, 2022 at 4:27 am
It’s called “deterrent”, idiot. Your typical nutcase tends to choose an unarmed target environment so as to maximize casualty opportunities and minimize their risk. Knowing there’s a loaded AR-15 and someone trained to use it on premises significantly reduces the likelihood of said premises becoming a target.
August 9, 2022 at 4:56 am
First why would he want 2 AR15, who do you think he is Arnold Schwarzenegger. The problem with you lefty losers is you know nothing about guns. You do not know what they can and what they can not do. You also nothing about people. Terrorists, and these are terrorists, ALWAYS go for an easy target. They dont want a gun battle 1 on 1, they want to be the only person with a gun so they can kill without risk to themselves. Because fundamentally they are just left wing extremist cowards. The reason they are always left wing extremist cowards is because the further you on the left the more mental health issues they have. Till finally you end up with socialists like, Mao, Stalin. Mussonlini and Adolf Hitler. All left wing extremists that started in their local socialist party, were radicalised by the socialists into full blown genocidal maniacs or those who are not so deeply effected just go on to murder school kids.
Billy Pace
August 10, 2022 at 11:13 am
You are soooooo rigit!!!!!!! Like my father said, my TI said, and my commander said in viet-nam, Prepare for the worst and pray for the best. I would call this preparing for the worst. We should all pray for the best. If you don’t agree with that, then you are part of the problem.