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January 1, Costco Cracks Down on Borrowed Memberships with New Scanning Rules



Warehouse shopping enthusiasts, take heed: Costco’s policy is evolving, and this time, it’s cracking down on membership-checking rules. The warehouse giant has long faced the problem of certain customers sneaking in on borrowed memberships, but now it’s taking a stance. Costco has rolled out the big guns: Membership scanners at warehouse entries – a move aimed at preserving the value of its membership.

Costco, the iconic wholesaler, recently released a statement detailing this shift in operations. Soon, all shoppers will need to scan their actual or digital membership cards at the entrance of their local Costco warehouse. While the company didn’t directly point fingers at rule-benders, it did clarify that guests need to be in the company of a valid member for entry.

The days of entering Costco without a photo on your membership card are also coming to an end. In the interest of precise identification, Costco mandates that members whose cards lack photos present legit photo ID for entrance. Additionally, to get their photos taken for their cards, existing members are invited to approach the membership counter.

Moreover, a door assistant will be stationed to respond to any questions or concerns, as indicated by the announcement. Those with expired or inactive memberships, as well as prospective members, will be guided to the membership counter before they gain entrance to shop at the warehouse.

For those who are already active Costco members, this change should not have much of an impact if your photo has already been taken. However, for those without memberships, this could prove inconvenient. Costco appears to have devised a system to filter out non-members even before they begin shopping.

This move follows a pattern. In 2024, Costco began a trial phase in which shoppers were required to scan their membership cards at kiosks installed at select locations, including warehouses in Issaquah, Washington, and Texas. This was an effort to curb the abuse of membership privileges at self-checkouts.

Last summer, Costco started enforcing a new rule requiring members to present photo IDs if their membership cards had no photos, or when the picture didn’t match the shopper. A Costco spokesperson clarified the policy, stating that it wasn’t fair for non-members to enjoy the same privileges and pricing as members. Hence, photo verification was introduced at self-checkout registers.

The latest move will undoubtedly tighten the net, preserving the membership value and enhancing Costco’s commitment to its paying patrons. The company’s decision to ramp up membership protocols is yet another example of the type of rule-based order that the right-wing audience appreciates and respects. Holders of valid memberships can continue to enjoy their shopping experience, knowing that their membership benefits remain exclusive.

As our loyal readers, we encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions on this issue. Let your voice be heard and join the discussion below.




  1. Carmine

    August 13, 2024 at 7:23 pm

    As a long time member, I see nothing at all wrong with this! I’m fed up with nobody from the president, congress, etc. following the rules!

  2. Don Nimon

    August 13, 2024 at 7:30 pm

    How interesting, now Costco requires a picture ID to take advantage of their discounts but our federal government does not require an ID to get into this country or to vote. Hmmm

  3. Jane M Underwood

    August 13, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    This is a great start but how will they prevent CostCo card sharing at the gas pumps? The lines are too long already and they need to kick out those using a friend or family member’s card!

  4. Charlie Bersch

    August 13, 2024 at 8:34 pm

    About time !

  5. henry james puckett

    August 13, 2024 at 9:00 pm


  6. Bud

    August 13, 2024 at 11:01 pm

    Costco checks your card when you check out, this is just stupid. Time to head to Sam’s Club. Fuck Costco.

  7. Janet Whitley

    August 13, 2024 at 11:06 pm

    Please do not suggest that this move is in the interest of the members to preserve the special and exclusive benefits that come with the card!!!! It is Costco afraid they are missing out on a few dollars, especially since a huge chunk of their profits come from membership dues. But long term maybe they should think that the person using someone’s card is not a habitual offender and maybe coming once or twice using someone’s else’s card might result in them getting a membership. This is right up there with Costco counting number of items in every customer’s card and saying it is just to make sure a purchased item is missing
    !!! Why not just admit that iit is to make sure the customer is not stealing!!!!

  8. Janet Whitley

    August 13, 2024 at 11:08 pm

    Please do not suggest that this move is in the interest of the members to preserve the special and exclusive benefits that come with the card!!!! It is Costco afraid they are missing out on a few dollars, especially since a huge chunk of their profits come from membership dues. But long term maybe they should think that the person using someone’s card is not a habitual offender and maybe coming once or twice using someone’s else’s card might result in them getting a membership. This is right up there with Costco counting number of items in every customer’s card and saying it is just to make sure a purchased item is missing
    !!! Why not just admit that it is to make sure the customer is not stealing!!!!


    August 13, 2024 at 11:59 pm

    As a long time member from 1988 I totally agree that this action is long overdue. I have personally witnessed many infractions and total lack of respect for membership. Now we should see the same rules adhered to in the Gas lanes outside. It has been common practice for attendants to simply pass nonmembers by using their override authority at the gas pumps. Obviously, the same issue about gas customers using a barrowed members membership card is very prevalent.

  10. Candido Cordeiro

    August 14, 2024 at 12:13 am

    Yes about time!

  11. Daniese McMullin-Powell

    August 14, 2024 at 3:14 am

    I had a shared COSTCO membership with my son who lives at home. I use a power wheelchair and not always easy to get to the store where my groceries and prescriptions are. My husband always used my card to go get my groceries and prescriptions on days when I could not. Now, I had to give up my membership and my husband has the membership with my son. Now, I can still get my prescriptions but, cannot have them delivered like members can. The manager could only suggest, we buy two memberships. they were quite mean to my husband the day they changed the policy with no warning and he was picking up my groceries. They yelled at him, practically threw him out of the store and he had to leave all the groceries behind. there was no previous warning. and of course they wont take my discover credit card either.

  12. Patricia Alexander

    August 14, 2024 at 10:46 am

    We totally support this change. Thank.

  13. John Russo

    August 15, 2024 at 7:53 pm

    I’ve been a member in a variety of these clubs. Some had different rules and let family members have a card like at Sam’s club. Having a photo ID and showing or scanning card should not be an issue. You paid for the right to be there and this is how they intend to keep this enforced. You can bring family members and friends with you but when paying only one card is used. I feel that today every store should be looking at receipts and making sure nothing is walking out the door. Honestly people do things to seal you would never think of. If we had a lot less theft we would have lower prices.

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