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January 1, Conservative CEO’s Pro-Family Policy: A Beacon of Hope Amid Corporate Wokeness



President Richard Nixon signed Title IX into law… READ MORE ABOUT THIS HISTORIC DAY HERE

In an age where most corporate boardrooms are becoming the ground zero for cultural battles, one CEO stands tall as a beacon of traditional, conservative principles. Michael Seifert, the founder and CEO of PublicSq., is offering his employees a refreshing alternative to the woke culture pervasive in other organizations – a $5,000 “baby bonus” as an incentive to build and sustain their families.

Seifert’s stance is simple yet profound, “strong families make a strong nation.” The audacity of this idea becomes clearer against the backdrop of corporations across the nation incentivizing employee abortions, a trend that took off following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

In Seifert’s view, this trend is not only morally egregious but also a gross exploitation of employees, prioritizing productivity over their potential desires to nurture families.

Seifert, a rugged individualist in the truest sense, is breathing life into the ideals of America’s founding fathers – hard work, meritocracy, and the family unit’s sanctity. His firm belief that a company’s strength is as solid as the families building it serves as a pillar in PublicSq.’s pro-family ethos.

This policy is far from a mere publicity stunt. With three announced pregnancies in the past two weeks, it’s clear that employees are responding positively. The “baby bonus,” tax-free and without restrictions, is a pragmatic aid that can be utilized as the families see fit – be it offsetting exorbitant adoption fees or simply stocking up on diapers.

PublicSq. stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of traditional values in an increasingly polarized world. The platform, both an app and a website, connects patriotic Americans with businesses that share their values. The company’s mission is to empower consumers to “shop their values” and “put purpose behind their purchases,” and it seems the people are answering the call. The company’s consumer member base saw a surge of over 300,000 in just one week.

In sharp contrast, companies that have chosen to espouse controversial ideologies, such as Target celebrating Pride Month and gender ideology, are suffering financial repercussions. Target lost $10 billion in market valuation over a ten-day period while PublicSq. has been growing exponentially.

While wokeness may be the current corporate fashion, it’s the timeless principles of hard work, family, and freedom that continue to sustain the heart of America.

Seifert and PublicSq. remind us of this truth. They are living proof that embracing traditional values and encouraging family growth isn’t just good morality; it’s also good business. In a world that’s increasingly forgetting its roots, they serve as a testament to the enduring American spirit, paving the way for what may be the start of a business renaissance.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    June 29, 2023 at 12:56 pm

    This gives me hope for our country.

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