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January 1, CIA Admits To “Losing” Dozens of Informants



Top officials within the Central Intelligence Agency issued a memo saying that a concerning number of U.S. informants have been captured and executed.

According to a report from the New York Times, the CIA’s counterintelligence mission center investigated dozens of incidents within the last few years that involved killings, arrests, or compromises of foreign informants. In a highly unusual move, the CIA’s memo sent via a top-secret cable included the specific number of agents killed by other intelligence agencies.

The New York Times noted that disclosing the specific number is rare, as that data is usually kept secret from the public and even some agency employees.

The memo comes amid recent efforts by countries including Russia, China, Iran, and Pakistan to locate CIA informants and turn them into double agents, the outlet reported.

The cable cited issues like prioritizing “mission over security,” being too trustworthy of sources, a fast-paced recruitment process, and a lack of attention to potential intelligence risks.

“No one at the end of the day is being held responsible when things go south with an agent,” Douglas London, a former CIA operative, told the Times. “Sometimes there are things beyond our control, but there are also occasions of sloppiness and neglect, and people in senior positions are never held responsible.”

Per the Times, the increase in compromised informants shows the sophisticated ways foreign intelligence agencies track the CIA’s moves, including artificial intelligence, facial recognition tools, and other hacking techniques.

Source: New York Times



  1. Tara

    September 9, 2022 at 7:17 pm

    Gosh! I’m shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you, that there is sloppiness and neglect at a government agency and that no senior members are held responsible. Inconceivable! They all get pay raises and pensions just as if they were doing real jobs, too!

    • Will

      September 9, 2022 at 7:34 pm

      Crooked government begets total chaos and ineffectiveness

  2. Audra LeNormand

    September 9, 2022 at 7:30 pm

    To bad the CIA doesnt take care of business and get there heads out of the Democrats asses.

  3. Denjan

    September 9, 2022 at 7:35 pm

    Yeah, boy. Our government sure inspires confidence doesn’t it? Corrupt White House, corrupt FBI, incompetent CIA.

  4. Colorado Cowboy

    September 9, 2022 at 8:32 pm

    I know it goes against the “Woke” agenda, but they might want to look at whether anyone in the government, in say the last ten-twelve years sent highly classified information via an unsecure channel. It takes time for the counterintelligence services to put the puzzle together and identify traitors in their ranks, but the Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans, and even the Russians can show a lot of patience when they need to.

  5. Recce1

    September 10, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    Why do I believe that there’s a ulterior motive behind the release of this information? Could it just be that the Biden administration will claim this is due to Trump supposedly mishandling “top Secret SCI” documents a Mar-al-Lago? This would give them a change to indict him on sedition or worse.

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