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January 1, Biden’s Electoral Strategy: Merging with Zuckerberg, Funded by Tax Dollars?

In 2020, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) was used by Left-Wing billionaire Mark Zuckerberg to rig the election in the Democrats favor. Now CTCL is back at it again – only this time Biden is giving them YOUR TAX DOLLARS to keep him in power!
After having successfully won many elections for Democrats with nearly $420 million from Mark Zuckerberg in 2020, Biden took a real shine to the pro-Democrat organization. So he gave them BIG BUCKS and called it a government grant to do the same thing in the 2024 election.
Specifically, CTCL targets the election officials with the intention of putting far-left activists in charge of local election offices all over the country and ensuring that Democrat votes are “mysteriously” counted more reliably than Republican ones.
They recently sent out an email to a network of election officials and nonprofit organizations announcing they would begin facilitating applications for a massive federal government program that uses funds offered up by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
CTCL reportedly intends to “help” the election officials in their network apply for this FEMA grant program which is known as the “Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities” (BRIC) program.
FEMA claims that BRIC is intended to “support[s] states, local communities, tribes and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards.”
But with CTCL involved, the TRUE purpose of this FEMA grant program will be – once again – to help Joe Biden and the Democrats rig the election.
In the past BRIC grants have been reserved for some form of natural disaster relief, and CTCL communications manager Andra Abbate even admits that in one email. But the well-connected leftist organization seems to know that something is different this time around as they urge their election partners to apply for the grants.
In 2020 when they “helped” seize control over local election offices through grants, they dished out the Zuckbucks WITH strings attached.
In order to receive the cash, the offices would have to agree to participate in Democrat election rigging schemes like ballot harvesting and many more.
This entire operation played a critical role in helping the Democrats pull off their full-scale heist of the 2020 election which they expect us to believe saw Sleepy Joe Biden receive the most votes of any president in American history.
Some states found CTCL’s election interference to be SO IMPACTFUL that they passed laws to BAN the private funding of election offices – which is why the organization has been forced to resort to using taxpayer funds.
Election offices are SUPPOSED to function to maintain the polls and accurately count votes, but with their millions in funding from the Biden admin, these offices are transformed into election rigging behemoths working for the Democratic party.
And what’s worse – our own tax dollars are going to be used to create these massively corrupt election rigging hubs.
Why It Matters (op-ed)
The CTCL’s involvement in the FEMA BRIC program is a dangerous example of the left’s manipulation of our election system. With Biden’s approval and taxpayers’ money, this organization can continue to advance the Democrats’ agenda by controlling local election offices.
It’s alarming that our hard-earned tax dollars are being funneled into a scheme that threatens the integrity of our elections. This blatant power grab by the left must be exposed and fought against to preserve our democracy and ensure fair elections in the future.
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Donald R Cook
January 29, 2024 at 7:21 pm
Zuckerberg needs to be in Prison, with a Man husband.
Valentin Lopez Jr.
January 29, 2024 at 8:18 pm
I have no use for either Biden or Trump. Please stop sending e-mails regarding these two.
January 29, 2024 at 8:28 pm
Then stay off the internet, Fool!!
January 29, 2024 at 8:26 pm
If it’s a rigged election, why should conservatives vote??? The left can’t win by cheating. I hope the left goes down hard!!
January 29, 2024 at 10:28 pm
One verifiable US citizen, one vote. Identification, paper ballots, and no ballot harvesting/Dropbox = fair election. Any election fraud long jail sentence that will stop the bs
Jedthro Bodine
April 8, 2024 at 6:40 am
It’s ashamed that no one in Congress or the house has set back and not done anything to stop this from happening. Get ready for Biden to be back in office. Zuckerberg needs to be prosecuted for election interference and put in prison but that will never happen with all the money he has to buy his way out of it.Money rules and evil has taken over this country!
April 8, 2024 at 8:55 am
Democrats cannot win without cheating. We need immediate lawsuits, NOW.
April 8, 2024 at 10:51 am
“It’s not important who they vote for. It’s important who counts the votes” — Joseph Stalin.