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January 1, Biden’s Blunders: Factual Errors in Gun Control Speech Exposed While Son’s Conviction Ignored

President Joe Biden recently made a speech at the gun control advocacy group Everytown’s annual conference, Gun Sense University. It was quickly criticized for containing numerous factual errors. Biden’s comments came shortly after his son Hunter Biden’s conviction on several gun-related felonies.
Greg Price pointed out several mistakes Biden made in less than a minute. These included debunked claims about his history as a professor and teaching a constitutional law class on the Second Amendment. He also asserted that the Second Amendment was written when individuals were not permitted to own cannons. Price quoted Biden as saying, “There has never been a time that says you could own anything you want. Never. You couldn’t own a cannon during the Civil War. No, I’m serious. Think about it.”
However, the New York Post reported that the few laws passed regarding cannons during the 19th century primarily focused on “limiting where they could be discharged, restricting the sale of the weapon to children and regulating how gunpowder could be stored.” It is still legal to own Civil War era cannons in the United States.
Furthermore, Biden misquoted President Thomas Jefferson’s famous statement, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants,” instead saying, “the blood of liberty … washes those” and then dismissing it with “give me a break.”
GunOwners of America added more errors to Biden’s speech:
– Saying Americans would need F-15s to resist his tyrannical government (they wouldn’t)
– Claiming the firearm industry is the only industry with immunity (they aren’t)
– Claiming guns kill more children than car accidents and cancer combined (they don’t)
– Getting the name of the federal agency responsible for gun control wrong (AFT)
Biden also repeated his call to ban “assault weapons” and questioned the need for a magazine that could “hold 200 shells.”
During the speech, a pro-Palestinian protester briefly interrupted Biden, accusing him of being “complicit in a genocide” because of his continued support for Israel in its ongoing war against Hamas terrorists.
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June 16, 2024 at 7:30 am
You are covering for Biden. These aren’t “blunders”. These are lies. Like all politicians he lies, spins and takes things out of context to push his world view on all of us. The difference is so called “news” organizations like you coverup for them. Call an outright lie what it is, a LIE.
June 16, 2024 at 7:37 am
This pathetic,evil,lying embarrassment, doesn’t have a clue what the hell he is talking about. He just stands up there and gaslights everyone,with his cronic,habitual lying.He is the fools fool..
June 16, 2024 at 10:05 am
Every speech biden has given has more false hoods than truths. Every anti gun nut hasn’t a clue about what they are talking about. The only way a gun can kill is if a mentally degenerate pulls the trigger. It doesn’t matter how many shells are in the magazine or whether a bump stock is being used it still comes down to the mentality of the person pulling a trigger. Anti gunners thinks criminals would obey gun laws well for their ignorance or naiveness criminals,mentally deranged people would still be able to acquire guns. There are already many gun laws on the books that do nothing but hinder law abiding gun owners. So biden is still full of sh#t when he speaks about guns, he probably doesn’t even know which is the dangerous end.
June 16, 2024 at 10:42 am
Biden is a demented lying Marxist intent on destroying our constitutional rights so he can establish a Marxist state by decree