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January 1, Biden Knew and Did NOTHING



On June 13th, 1636, a critical piece of the United States military was born… READ MORE ABOUT THIS HISTORIC DAY HERE

A good leader knows when to take advice, and more importantly, when to heed warnings. Seems like that’s a lesson the Biden administration could stand to learn, as a report now suggests they were tipped off about a planned attack on the Nord Stream pipeline a full three months in advance.

Now, before you go thinking this was some anonymous tip-off or wild conspiracy, let me tell you that the warning came from the CIA. Yes, folks, the Central Intelligence Agency. The very same institution established to keep our leaders informed and our country safe from exactly this type of situation.

The report from the Washington Post – and yes, I did say the Post – indicates that an elite six-man team of Ukrainian divers was responsible for the sabotage. These fellows, who answered directly to the chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, used a chartered yacht and fake passports to sail out of a German port and plant explosives on the pipeline.

Now, I’m no intelligence expert, but when a European intelligence service shares such specific information with the CIA, you’d expect it to be taken seriously. Instead, the Post claims this intelligence was shared widely within the White House and beyond. It almost sounds like they treated it as an amusing anecdote, not a serious threat to Europe’s energy infrastructure.

To add to the mix, they have the audacity to blame Russia for the attack, when it appears that all signs pointed to Ukraine. Sure, it’s easier to point fingers at the usual suspects, but that doesn’t make it right.

But here’s the kicker: Western figures, including U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and German economy minister Robert Habeck, had the nerve to initially blame Russia for the sabotage. Maybe they didn’t get the memo, or maybe they chose to ignore it, but either way, it doesn’t inspire confidence in their leadership.

All of this begs the question – why didn’t the Biden administration act when they had the chance? Why did they allow this ‘brazen and dangerous act of sabotage’ to occur, despite clear forewarnings? We might not know the answers, but I’ll tell you this much – it doesn’t bode well for the man sitting behind the Resolute desk.

This here is an example of the dangers of neglect and the cost of inaction. When leaders choose to ignore warnings, they’re gambling with more than just their reputation. They’re playing fast and loose with the livelihoods of the people they’ve sworn to serve. And folks, that’s a game no leader should be playing.



  1. Tom Streets

    June 13, 2023 at 7:14 am

    Joe Biden’s oath of office was another lie. He did not intend to serve America, much less to defend America’s Constitution! Joe Biden’s intent has consistently been to serve himself, and those whom Joe favors – including Hunter Biden, for example. This fact has been becoming inescapably more self-evident, with passing time and leaking evidence! Joe has “sold out” for money, more times than we Conservatives can count – as additional ones continue becoming exposed!

  2. Tom Streets

    June 13, 2023 at 7:15 am

    Joe Biden’s oath of office was another lie. He did not intend to serve America, much less to defend America’s Constitution! Joe Biden’s intent has consistently been to serve himself, and those whom Joe favors – including Hunter Biden, for example. This fact has been becoming inescapably more self-evident, with passing time and leaking evidence! Joe has “sold out” for money, more times than we Conservatives can count – as additional ones continue becoming exposed!

  3. Gerald Ladd

    June 13, 2023 at 9:04 am

    If you believe them. Right now, there isn’t one department in DC that you can trust!

  4. Tom

    June 13, 2023 at 9:11 am

    How do I know this article is factual? It references “a report” but does not name the report. I doubt that this article has much credibility.

  5. john

    June 13, 2023 at 10:41 am

    It’s no wonder biden and his administration kept their mouths shut and didn’t act on this intelligence. The military companies knew a huge payday was just around the corner with the impending Russian invasion of Ukraine. The US wanted the pipeline blown up because it took the threat of Russia using energy to blackmail Europe off the table, even at the risk of possibly causing untold deaths during the winter. Blaming Russia on blowing up their own pipeline, while idiotic on face value, allowed biden to rally NATO countries to support Ukraine’s defense against the Russian invasion. What I find supremely appropriate is that Germany has had to build or resurrect 20 coal plants to provide electricity that was supposed to come from gas fired plants. so much for clean energy, right joe?

  6. James G. Mothes

    June 13, 2023 at 6:00 pm

    Just what did you expect them to do? We are helping fight the damn Russians you IDIOT. Not help them. Most all of Europe has turned a blind eye to this invasion and have offered no help. Screw them and Screw you!!!!!!!

  7. Major Kong

    June 13, 2023 at 7:40 pm

    The USA, Germany and England trying to shift blame to Russia…That’s not gonna work…The CIA did it…

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Wyatt Porter is a seasoned writer and constitutional scholar who brings a rugged authenticity and deep-seated patriotism to his work. Born and raised in small-town America, Wyatt grew up on a farm, where he learned the value of hard work and the pride that comes from it. As a conservative voice, he writes with the insight of a historian and the grit of a lifelong laborer, blending logic with a sharp wit. Wyatt’s work captures the struggles and triumphs of everyday Americans, offering readers a fresh perspective grounded in traditional values, individual freedom, and an unwavering love for his country.
