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January 1, WATCH: Biden Heckled During Primetime Speech



1783: The Treaty of Paris signed in Paris ends the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain and the United States of America.

President Joe Biden’s primetime speech in Pennsylvania was interrupted by hecklers repeatedly chanting “f—k Joe Biden” and “let’s go, Brandon.”

Biden’s 24-minute speech, which he called “The Soul of the Union,” centered around the condemnation of former President Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans.

The New York Post pointed out that the “f—k Joe Biden” chant was audible “to anyone listening on the official White House video feed.”

Biden addressed the protestors, saying: “They’re entitled to be outrageous. This is a democracy. Good manners is nothing they’ve ever suffered from.”

Earlier in his speech, Biden went off-script to address the chanters.

“Americans have often made the greatest progress coming out of some of our darkest moments, like you’re hearing in that bullhorn,” he said.

Biden faced criticism over his dramatic choice of backdrop, which Fox News host Tucker Carlson described as a “blood-red Nazi background.”

Sources: New York Post | Newsweek | Business Insider



  1. Robert

    September 3, 2022 at 7:27 am

    Hitler made the same speech and lied about almost the all the same things. Biden only cries about THE LAW when it helps him but its ok to break the law when it suits him. Example; It is against THE LAW to harass a Supreme Court Justice but not to Joe Biden.

  2. Gerald Ladd

    September 3, 2022 at 8:26 am

    The only threat to democracy is the demonRAT party.

    • Beej

      September 3, 2022 at 9:28 am

      You are so right thank you.

  3. Daniel Lee Rhoads

    September 3, 2022 at 9:00 am

    Official start by CHEATER Joe Biden of the “new American Communist Dictatorship and all of us their unwilling American Communist SLAVES”!!!! Start addressing them all as “COMRADE”!!!! Who is the real “traitors and a threat to our American Democracy”?????? GUESS?????????????????????????

  4. Ima Enyurphase

    September 3, 2022 at 9:18 am

    Clenched fist’s, where have we seen that before ? Hitler and Mussolini ,now biden. Wake up America, had enough yet ?

  5. James Follin

    September 3, 2022 at 11:14 am

    Hand joe a pitchfork and add a couple of horns.

    • kristi

      September 3, 2022 at 12:06 pm

      This guy is a total idiot. Only he believes his own lies, annd some of the most idiotic people in our country OMG we are doomed if all of this continues. He is twisting truth. And these idiots can’t see it.

  6. Tom Gorman

    September 3, 2022 at 1:12 pm

    We are a Republic not a Democracy maybe he should read the Constitution ( Jill is a teacher maybe she can help him.) He is not of the people.

    • Charles

      September 3, 2022 at 2:22 pm

      Brandon is either incapable of understanding the facts and should be able to enjoy the remainder of his life with coloring books and his Super Mario games or given his track record totally agrees with hs old boss obama when he stated that the Constitution got in his way often.

  7. Carol Stevens

    September 3, 2022 at 4:17 pm

    nine minutes of this bs was all I could handle…….what a hypocrite

  8. Papa Bear

    September 5, 2022 at 7:30 am

    Just keep talking there “Big Guy”. Every time you run off at the mouth, like on Thursday, the Red Wave gets larger and stronger. Keep up the good work. Let’s Go Brandon!!

  9. Old Poor Worker

    September 5, 2022 at 10:37 am

    President and his Administration are the biggest misinformation and disinformation dealers in this country. Look at the President’s Press Secretary, no one even listens to her anymore. She has been caught in so many lies and disinformation the American people hear or even see her, and they turn off the TVs. Now, the biggest honor goes to President Biden, himself. If he doesn’t know something, he makes up a new, but mostly old B___S__T stories that mean nothing to the people. When he speaks about the military, only brings up the name of his dead son, who was a veteran but died of cancer. President Joe has no interest into the lives of the military, their needs, he only cares if they are “woke” or have taken the jab. Look at how many veterans he tossed out of the military, after spending millions of dollars to train them, because they wouldn’t inject into their bodies untested vaccines(?). People, this is a man who really doesn’t care about anyone but himself and/or his son Hunter.

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