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January 1, Biden Calls For Stricter Gun Laws After Texas Shooting



2004: The United States Army veteran Terry Nichols is found guilty of 161 state murder charges for helping carry out the Oklahoma City bombing.

President Joe Biden has called on Congress to “stand up to the gun lobby” and pass legislation to implement increased restrictions on firearms after a mass shooting at a Texas elementary school.

“As a nation, we have to ask, when in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?” Biden said in remarks delivered from the White House. “I am sick and tired of it. We have to act. And don’t tell me we can’t have an impact on this carnage.” 

“It’s time to turn this pain into action,” Biden said. “We have to make it clear to every elected official in this country: It’s time to act.” 

Republican Rep. Randy Fine (FL) addressed the president’s calls for tighter gun laws in a tweet.

“I have news for the embarrassment that claims to be our President — try to take our guns and you’ll learn why the Second Amendment was written in the first place,” Fine wrote.


Biden: ‘When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?’



  1. Gerald Ladd

    May 26, 2022 at 7:51 am

    Pass all the laws you want. None will stop a crazy person hell bent on destruction. It’d just the demonRATS tring to appease their brain dead base.

  2. Dave

    May 26, 2022 at 8:04 am

    The comments were increased gun restrictions, not taking guns away from anyone. Twenty Seven gun shootings this year.

    When do we do something to stop the carnage.

    • G. Thompson

      May 26, 2022 at 10:52 am

      The carnage is way deeper than acts by guns.

  3. VinnieA

    May 26, 2022 at 8:41 am

    It seems that there are No Limits to the Heights of Hypocrisy we see on the Left! They are more concerned about the Relatively Few people (which is intolerable) that are killed by Guns than the Tens of Millions of Babies Killed by Abortions. By the way, most of the Presidents and Other Major Figures in Our Countries History were ASSASSINATED BY LEFTISTS.. If I recall, Hitler and Stalin were also Leftists also.


  4. rick

    May 26, 2022 at 8:53 am

    That sounded like a threat on our president. Why isn’t this nut job in jail? And why do you keep saying we want to take your guns away? You are the reason we need gun laws to start with.

  5. Judy

    May 26, 2022 at 9:00 am

    Thank you Dave for an intelligent repay. Its time we speak up whenever the response to proposal for responsible gun laws is “they are trying to take our guns away”. That is the typical response. President Biden’s request is for background checks at gun shows and I really don’t know why any responsible gun owner would object to that.

    • Graywold12

      May 26, 2022 at 9:42 am

      Judy go to a gun show and try to buy a gun at any booth. FIRST you must pass a federal firearms background check. In the past 60 years I have been to a lot of gun shows and only saw 1 personnel sale outside the show. If the goal is to stop all sales from person to person you are advocating more dictatorship and put us further down the road to communism.

    • Paul

      May 26, 2022 at 1:09 pm

      There are already background checks at gun shows watch something besides CNN

  6. Bill

    May 26, 2022 at 9:31 am

    In a “Free Country”, and out of a population of 330,000,000 there is going to be 2-3 % of mentally ill (not including the wackos, dem’s and other demented liberals). So, in a free country there are between 6,0000,000 to 9,000,000 that will be off of the deep end. The laws do not stop these deranged from wanting to get their names in the paper for anything. This recent fool killed his caretaker because she was looking into his phone records. The assholes that were supposedly coming after Bush were radicals allowed into the country probably by o-abysmal and the lone person in the country was looking for assistance of those coming through the open borders of biden (obama lite). So, before you give your freedoms away because illegals, fools, mentally ill or liberals want to make us “subjects”, stop defunding police, get police into the school buildings. Close the borders and protect the sovereignty of this country, stop paying illegals when coming into the country with food stamps, college tuition, housing, medial, etc. trying to keep the left wing scum in office by buying their future votes with our tax dollars.

  7. Roger Michalski

    May 26, 2022 at 9:40 am

    Fix the people. Enforce the many gun rules out there now. We have enough regulations now. FIX THE HATE IN OUR SOCIETY.

    • G. Thompson

      May 26, 2022 at 10:57 am

      Exactly. Does anyone really think new restrictions will decrease the attacks? This societal problem is far deeper than guns. Social media, in my opinion, is more of a threat because it isolates people and creates a fake reality where ideas fester and destabilize already borderline mental cases. Legalization of pot is also a problem. In Oregon since the legalization crime has increased majorly as well as in Denver, CO.

      • Joey Lovello

        May 27, 2022 at 5:27 am

        Pot? The hell does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Where are you getting your stats from? Just for giggles, I’d like to see the correlation of legalized pot and gun violence, specifically mass shootings? I mean if you want to get preachy, how about we talk about Portugal? As a country, they had some of the strictest drug laws in the world, and some of the highest addiction rates. Then they legalized literally everything. Do you know what happened then?

  8. Tell Me I'm Wrong

    May 26, 2022 at 9:43 am

    A Fine you moron I don’t think your making those remarks if one of these nuts happens to kill one of your kids, would you? Somebody needs to line all you republicans who think like along with the idiots from the NRA and slap you in the head with a bat, maybe that will loosen some screws so you don’t sound so f—– up when you open your mouth. If you had half a brain you would realize that if that dip shit who calls himself a governor in Texas worried about nuts with guns instead of women having abortions those family’s would still have there children. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M SAYING RANDY FINE” I would put the (Rep.) in front of your name if I thought you deserved it, but with thoughts like yours you probably should be collecting garbage.

  9. A. Sanders

    May 26, 2022 at 12:35 pm

    There are already background checks. However if information is not entered in the database used then the application cannot be flagged. I’m sure the shooters medical records are sealed but wouldn’t it be nice to know if he was on mood altering medications? That alone should cause a flag to be raised but that would require someone else being responsible.
    Stop reporting on the shooters. Don’t give them the 15 minutes of fame they know they will get. Make them a non person not the center of the news cycle. Make it that know one will know their name and there will be a marked decrease of shootings made for a statement.

  10. James Green

    May 26, 2022 at 8:27 pm

    It’s time for the American public to realize that the guns are not the problem. It’s the people who buy them with underlying mental health issues. It seems to me as a responsible gun owner that there needs to be a mental health determination before one can obtain a weapon of any type not just the guns. I also believe it’s a gun shop should be held accountable if someone has been killed due to their sale of rapid fire weapons.

  11. Tony N.

    May 26, 2022 at 10:00 pm

    To America’s gun owners: Nobody is going to take your guns away so let’s forever get rid of that lie. The question is why do you need an assault type weapon in the first place, do you want a stinger missile too. Let me propose this, would you accept this compromise; you can have your assault rifles but they can only be used, and must be kept, at an approved firing range (see the Perfect Fire Range below). If you need a place to maintain your gun, there will booths in the firing range for you to do that too. If you need more privacy with your gun, a private room can be provided for you to do whatever you want with you gun, caress them, kiss them, admire them or make love to them; would that be acceptable to you? If so, this would at least have prevented the 18-year old kid from killing all those children because after he has purchased those AR-15s, he would have to pick them up at the firing range, he couldn’t leave the range with them. And we are talking about assault type weapons only, you can always keep you hand guns and hunting rifles at home for protection or killing your family. I really think this proposal will protect your second amendment rights and still prevent some of these mass murders.

    The Perfect Firing Range: We can design a firing range that can address the desires of any assault-type weapon users; we can have an obstacle course for every scenerio:

    -urban setting with post offices, grocery stores with any ethnic group of shoppers, ghettos with youth gangs, office buildings and stadiums
    -wilderness setting with dangerous animals like deer, pigs and turtles
    -school setting with kids of various grade levels
    -churches, temples, synagogues and mosques.

    The possibilities are limitless and there will be enough investors to fund these shooting ranges.

  12. Audrey

    June 2, 2022 at 8:27 am

    The US culture has been heading toward decadence since the attacks began on: God, the family, our flag, religions and science -gathered more steam.
    The government schools are now warehouses spewing programmed retardation, multiple genders, junk food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacking all day long, etc. Young children are developing diabetes in the lowed elementary grades. Obesity is increasing in children as well. “A sound mind in a sound body” is a concept unheard of, unknown in government schools . Drugs, prescription or not, are touted in print and TV commercials incessantly. Allergies, autism, learning disabilities are increasing with no medical, healthcare professional looking into the causes or promoting a healthy diet and exercise program. Take a “pill” for this, a “shot” for that. Instant gratification in all of life is promoted, perpetuated without examination, theories, thoughts on the end results.

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