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January 1, ‘Ahem, AG Pam Bondi’: Boy Wins Girls’ Track—Again

Hey folks! So there’s something big going down in Oregon that we need to talk about. There’s an executive order from President Trump saying boys shouldn’t be playing in girls’ sports. But an Oregon high school let a boy who identifies as a girl run in a girls’ track meet. And guess what? He won big time.
This student from Portland’s McDaniel High School, who used to be called Aayden but now goes by Ada, completely dominated the girls’ races. He won the 200-meter and 400-meter races, beating the fastest girl by over 7 seconds! That’s massive in track times.
Now, the Oregon School Activities Association, which runs these sports, says they want everyone to be able to play in the sports of their chosen gender identity. They say it’s about keeping things fair and safe for all students. But many parents, athletes, and lawmakers are asking, “Is it really fair?”
President Trump put out an order to protect women’s sports. His order says schools shouldn’t get federal funds if they don’t keep girls’ sports fair for biological girls. This move aims to protect the hard-won gains women have made in sports.
Oregon House Minority Leader Christine Drazan thinks this is crucial. She’s standing up to defend the fair play that women athletes deserve. She says it’s important to keep sports competitions fair and square.
Also, Attorney General Pam Bondi reminded people that states need to follow the rules and keep boys out of girls’ sports. Maine got a ten-day warning to get in line with Trump’s directive too.
So, what do you think? Should boys be allowed in girls’ sports if they identify as girls, even if it means they’re dominating the competitions? It’s a big debate and one that could change the future of sports in schools. Let’s talk about this!
Wyatt Matters!
In Oregon, there’s a lot of talk about who should be allowed to play in girls’ sports. There’s a high school student who used to be known as Aayden but now goes by Ada, and they were allowed to compete in girls’ track events. Ada won the races by a large margin. Some people think it’s great that everyone can play the sport according to their gender identity. They say it’s about fairness and letting everyone join in.
However, there are others who are worried it might not be fair to let boys who identify as girls compete in girls’ sports. For example, President Trump created a rule saying schools might lose federal money if they don’t make sure girls’ sports are just for biological girls. Supporters of this rule think it’s important for keeping sports fair for those who were born as girls.
This is such a big issue, with people on different sides. Some people are okay with the rules we have now, while others want changes to make sure competitions are fair for everyone. It’s a complicated topic, and it’s important for us all to listen to each other’s concerns so that we can figure out what’s best for all students in school sports.
As our loyal readers, we encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions on this issue. Let your voice be heard and join the discussion below.

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March 23, 2025 at 10:28 am
Oregon wasn’t always so, adults once had the upper hand. Just saying.😬
March 23, 2025 at 10:36 am
1. The boy failed miserably competing against other boys. (Yes, he’s still and will always be male)
2. Cut off any and all Federal funding to Oregon
March 23, 2025 at 2:29 pm
Gary T
March 23, 2025 at 3:21 pm
President Trump, Cut off all funding to Oregon schools and demanded the state Attorney General bring a law suite to remove the school’s superintendent, principal, and coaches for violating a Federal mandate.
Jim Kruzynski
March 23, 2025 at 4:25 pm
Agreed and cut off all federal funding if they do not comply in 10 days
Susan M Womack
March 23, 2025 at 7:44 pm
I agree 100%. President Trump Cut off all funding until Oregon complied with American Constitutional Laws & Orders ! My opinion Fire the Teacher breaking American Laws immediately !🤔😡👎💥
March 23, 2025 at 7:34 pm
How about the girls gang up snd cut off his penis? That may get the point across,
March 23, 2025 at 9:41 pm
If a boy can only win by competing against a girl that doesn’t make him much of a person. They don’t deserve to compete against girls. If they want to compete, they can compete with other boys who want to compete with girls, It’s not fair to girls to have to compete against boys and they are still boys.
Bruce Andrews
March 23, 2025 at 8:03 pm
I’m old enough to remember when this was a big thing in the Olympics!- Soviet block females were specifically tested to make sure they really were women. ( Some you could not tell by looking at them) Apparently,back then,we knew that men competing against women had an unfair advantage in competition; and this was a significant issue in many ways.
March 23, 2025 at 8:14 pm
Mike FOG
March 24, 2025 at 1:28 am
IN 1973 I attended a Track meet featuring the Legendary Steve PREFONTAIN and Olympic Champion DAVE WADDLE, at the University of Oregon, in Eugene which was considered the top Physical Education school on the West Coast, of the USA. I graduated from West Chester State College,Pennsylvania which was the top Physical Education College in on the East coast. WEST CHESTER had led the Nationwide battle for TITLE 9 which guaranteed that biological Women would be provided equal opportunities to compete in sports, Receive awards, Obtain scholarships as males.
When TITLE 9 was passed it required that similar funds were spent to promote the same number of opportunities for women to compete in sports as men.
It is ridiculous how biological males who are unable to excel in Men’s sports , can be a QUEEN for a day, and with their size, Bone structure, greater muscle size, and testosterone and inject themselves n to women’s sports. IT violates the whole idea of Title 9.
TRUMP’S EXECUTIVE ORDER to deny INDIVIDUALS BIOLOGICALLY BORN AS MEN from competing in WOMENS sports has many of these athletes bawling like cry babies claiming it is not allowing them athletic opportunities . IF you want to compete JOIN A MENS TEAM. The Only Athletes being cheated are WOMEN of the ability to excel in competition among their peers, and be recognized for their hard work and dedication.
Gary w
March 24, 2025 at 10:47 am
Agreed. Pam Bondi needs to crack the Whip on Oregon Schools being “fair”. Also President Trump needs to refund the schools after they fire all Administration and start anew.
Brian Johnson
March 23, 2025 at 6:53 pm
I agree 100%! As Trump says there are 2 sexes, male&female. We have seen time&again seen girls cheated because some biological male has won the event they were participating in. It has happened in various sports&even the Olympics, time to put a STOP to this madness! That is 1 reason why Trump go elected,to get this country back to sanity, after a messed up four years!
March 23, 2025 at 8:12 pm
March 23, 2025 at 10:55 pm
I don’t understand why it’s a complicated topic. Why is that statement brought into the equation at all. There are only two genders male and female. There’s nothing complicated about that. We mustn’t give in to those who want to live in a delusional state of mind or to those willing to give credence to their delusions.
David Hall
March 23, 2025 at 11:46 pm
There’s something else that should be cut off the boy who want to be a girl, if you catch my drift.
Ruth Dessemontet
March 24, 2025 at 11:36 am
👍agree.Thought from a Swiss reader. It’ just too unfair, just like in adult competition, no men in female competitions. Science shows they are still male !
Bennie Jones
March 23, 2025 at 10:37 am
AS Senator Kennedy said and has stuck with me, If you have a dick, you ain’t a chick. What is the child learning. He is learning that he can circumvent any system he choses. Losing teaching us to look at other avenues and if you want to continue assess your flaws and learn to overcome with solution skills.
There is no fairness in this, girls in girls sports, boys in boys sports. What if he wants to be a boy in six months and then a girl in one year. This creates psychological problems. Boys that identify as girls need to go thru psychological testing and girls that identify as boys, same.
George Renner
March 23, 2025 at 7:08 pm
I fully agree!
David G. Burnett
March 23, 2025 at 10:42 am
I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to allow males to participate as females, and vise versa. God created man and women and that’s how it should stay !!!!!!
Carole Sayer
March 23, 2025 at 11:07 am
There is no question Oregon has gone off the deep end. We fled Oregon in 2019 and have not been happier. No masking during the Wuhan flu, no riots by anti-Americans, and we carry guns wherever we go so we can defend ourselves if necessary. But the important thing is that it is not necessary because we all carry and know it. I totally agree if you have a dick you are not a chick. If you are XY you should be prohibited from XX sports. Men/Boys have no business in Women’s/Girl’s sports and we all knew it when Title IX was enacted in 1972, as a previous commenter said “When the adults were in charge”. Now the inmates are running the asylum.
March 23, 2025 at 11:08 am
Stop the federal funding , there is no room for boys in girls sports
Melinda White
March 23, 2025 at 6:32 pm
I lived in Washington state 40 years ago and visited Portland Oregon
a few times and other places in Oregon. It used to be a great place.
Boys/men do not belong participating in women’s sports. It’s downright disgusting. I am so sick of hearing about this. What parent(s) encourages this dysfunctional behavior. Mental illness is rampant.
March 23, 2025 at 11:22 am
I thought we got rid of the crazy people being in charge when Thrump won the election. But I guess we still have quite a few in charge, when are people going to wake up and get them unelected. I was going to say something else but we will leave that the the left to want to get rid of people.
March 23, 2025 at 11:25 am
Pam, Just have Trump cut off Federal funds to Oregon schools. Some people must be knocked on the head to get their attention. I am confident Portland mothers of girl athletes would be thrilled and make a lot of noise if some thick-skulled school official objected to keeping boys out of girl-sports. Skulls here in Portland can be mighty thick.
March 23, 2025 at 11:31 am
There is nothing complicated about it. There are only 2 sexes. Male and female. God determines your sex not leftist or secular people. Biology determines there are 2 sexes. Trust the science is only the cry from the left when they declare they are the science and they want to push their evil on our children when not based in facts. This isnt a real issue, it is made up by mentally ill people wanting to make others mentally ill like them.
March 23, 2025 at 11:40 am
Cut off Federal Funding to Oregon Schools! What a disgrace to allow this, he actually did not win he is NOT a Girl biologically therefore he is LOSER!
joyce kosutic
March 23, 2025 at 11:45 am
Ask any physician or kinesiologist, MALES ARE muscled differently than females, PERIOD! And because of this they are stronger. Strength allows humans to run faster, jump higher, swim faster, etc. DUH!!!
I absolutely have sincere compassion for a child, teen, adult who sincerely feels HE IS A SHE within themselves. It must be torture! In spite of it, they are the GREAT MINORITY and should not expect logical rules changed solely for them. NO, males should not be allowed to compete in female sports!!!!
If one does not believe this, ask yourself- has anyone heard of a FEMALE ATHLETE TRANSITIONING TO A MALE AND WINNING ANY SPORTS COMPETITIONS? No, zero!
March 23, 2025 at 11:54 am
Folks like to make things more complicated than need be. It’s really pretty simple.
If a boy wants to compete in any sport they should compete against others of the same biological gender. Let the boys wear dresses and sports bras if it makes them feel better. Now they’re competing in a fair manner against others of the same physical make-up.
After all, is it about letting the best person win or is it about winning before the race even starts?
March 23, 2025 at 12:11 pm
It seems that if you are a male and can’t compete against other males and win you pretend to be a female so that you can win!! This is ridiculous and I hope they withhold Federal dollars from schools that allow this. It is so unfair to girls that have been training and working towards excellence in their sport to be cheated by a boy/girl!
March 23, 2025 at 12:25 pm
This is completely ludicrous!! Why boys want to be sissies is beyond me, but worst of all are the poor girls who deserve to win!!
March 23, 2025 at 1:25 pm
Girls can compete with boys up until about 12,then the testosterone kicks in and it’s all over for the girls. Never again can they compete with the boys. It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out.
March 23, 2025 at 1:50 pm
Honestly, there’s nothing difficult about it. If you have a Dick, you’re a boy, if you have a vagina, you’re a girl if you suck so bad that you can’t ever win in boys sports, maybe you should start a new leg for chicks with d****, but leave the girls and women’s sports alone. You freak.
S need to have your own freak league. Oregon should lose off federal funds to their schools as long as they do not obey the law
Steve Martin
March 23, 2025 at 1:52 pm
One day paper ballots voting. Until then the fraudulently selected commie libtards will continue their destruction.
March 23, 2025 at 2:50 pm
The biggest problem with this all is that female athletes rely on scholarships a lot to get into good schools – I in fact know several who got their school ONLY because they were great at their personal sport (one being swimming, one being track, one being cheer). Now of those, swimming and track would be the issue. If males had come along in our school and done this, those girls I know wouldn’t have gotten their scholarships. This could be devastating not just for the girls working so hard but also for the families because they can’t afford to pay for the schools if the girls don’t get scholarships (thus the reason they work so hard). Now, tell me it’s still fair if a biological male is taking away a scholarship dream from a girl (pretend it’s YOUR daughter and you can’t afford the college they want). I am all for the LGBTQ community and I have many friends including my best friend who is my ride or die and even they don’t agree with it. I know one couple who voted for Trump and they are married. They WILL NOT sacrifice what they believe is right just because they are members of the LGBTQ community.
Henry Wing
March 23, 2025 at 3:00 pm
Immediately remove all federal funds from all Oregon schools.
March 23, 2025 at 3:06 pm
Cut off all federal funding and cut off his balls if he wants to be a girl.
thomas earl cordier
March 23, 2025 at 3:46 pm
Hoping Bondi will arrest Kotex.
March 23, 2025 at 4:02 pm
Let the boys run. Do not give them a medal, ribbon or recognition give it to the girls where it belongs.
March 23, 2025 at 6:08 pm
One of the best answers I have heard. Let the boys run, however if the 2nd,3rd, and 4th place are girls give them the honors and recognition,…nothing for the he/she. The embarrassment and shame should make this crap stop.
March 24, 2025 at 10:56 am
Great idea. Just don’t give the boys any medals or recognition. Ignoring someone is the best antidote!
BW Mullins
March 23, 2025 at 5:52 pm
Start putting heavy monetary fines on the state, schools, and the parents that allow this to Happen. Most of these shemales just couldn’t cut it as male. This is a crime because it violates an executive order. Protect girls sports. I would love to know if this mentally ill boy has a sister, I bet not because those parents don’t give a damn about the struggles of young female athletes . Their a disgrace!
Mary Ann
March 23, 2025 at 6:06 pm
This whole thing is SICK. You cannot change your chromosomes. Dress whatever way you want and mutilate your body if you think that will make you a different sex and happy but the scientific truth is you CANNOT change your chromosomes. Find a good Psychiatrist and learn to live with the way you were born. If you want to compete in sports, compete against your biological sex. Don’t cheat and try to be something you are not.
Jean Carlson
March 23, 2025 at 11:14 pm
I am so saddened for the young ladies that must compete with boys, especially when they are expected to share a locker room with them. It is absolutely disgusting. We have only one granddaughter that may face that because they live in MN near us. We pray that she doesn’t have to experience that . She is only 8 years old. We hope and will definitely be praying that this will turn around.
March 24, 2025 at 8:13 am
President Trumps correct. God created two genders, male and female, if you are born with male genitals, you are a male, if toy are born with female genitals, you are a female. There is no such thing as transgender. That is a Democrat word made up by the Biden (ineffective administration). No such thing. Born a male or female cannot be changed. You can be homosexual or lesbian, but that does not give you the right to claim to be a member of the other gender. Stop all Federal Funding to this school in Oregon.
Don Francisco
March 24, 2025 at 4:13 pm
Cut all Federal funding to Oregon immediately. Then count the days until they obey the law.
March 24, 2025 at 6:11 pm
So, what if a “normal bodied” person wants to identify as handicapped? Does that mean we should let them compete in the Special Olympics? Obviously that would be unfair. Ignoring obvious differences is just plain dumb. Oregon Athletics…DON’T BE DUMB!
March 24, 2025 at 6:51 pm
It’s not fair; we don’t criticize a boy for wanted to be a girl, we just think “he” should play with “his” birth gender; it’s sad that a parent can be proud of a child that can’t win as a male, but wins as a female, what are they teaching that child?
I also think people should refrain from saying to castrate the child, there are a lot of nuts out there that would do it, and that too is worse.
President Trump wants to make America great, for the first time, he is deporting criminals and people are I saying to do criminal things? Those comments are awful!
March 24, 2025 at 6:34 pm
There is no way that boys should compete against girls. Maybe they need to start a transgender category for those that want to compete. Boy that think they are girls and girls that think they are boys!
Christine Ketay
March 24, 2025 at 7:59 pm
The scientific reality is that sex is biologic, the chromosomes don’t lie. I understand and appreciate that there are men who identify more as women and women who identify more as male. But that doesn’t change the chromosomes and all that results from this. Want to make it fair for these individuals to compete? Add a ‘transgender’ category so those individuals are competing with like individuals.