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January 1, Reality Star Accuses Estranged Husband of Child Abuse, Seeks Full Custody



“Selling Sunset” star Christine Quinn recently accused her estranged husband, Christian Richard Dumontet, of child abuse in a court filing. Quinn stated that both she and her 2-year-old son, Christian Georges, faced abuse from Dumontet. The 35-year-old is seeking full custody of their son.

In her court documents, Quinn alleges that Dumontet “perpetrated acts of domestic violence and child abuse against [her] son and [her].” She continued, “I reported these acts of abuse to law enforcement because they were true and because I feared for our safety.”

Quinn also wants Dumontet to resolve over $100,000 in unpaid hospital bills related to their son’s birth. She claims he initially agreed to pay the bills but let them default into collections, severely impacting her credit.

The reality TV star hopes to gain full legal and physical custody of their son. This would allow her to take him to Texas, where her family resides, without Dumontet’s permission. She requested that Dumontet be “restricted from any visits with [their] child due to the reasons set forth in [her] attached declaration.”

Dumontet was arrested on March 19 for allegedly throwing a glass bottle at Quinn, missing her, and hitting their child instead. The child sustained injuries and needed medical care at the hospital. The court documents claim that Dumontet was abusive throughout their marriage and even threw dog feces at Quinn.

Quinn further alleges that Dumontet lied about his mother having a heart attack to convince her to put their son on the phone after his arrest. She stated, “I am extremely concerned that Christian will go to any lengths necessary, including great emotional manipulation, as a means to monitor my activity while the restraining order is in effect.”

Quinn also accused Dumontet of breaching a temporary restraining order she was granted by accessing their marital home and changing the codes, preventing her from entering. “He has locked me and our 2-year-old son out of our house in violation of both orders,” she said.

Dumontet filed for divorce on April 5. No criminal charges have been filed against him yet, but the investigation is ongoing.

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  1. Joe

    April 21, 2024 at 7:54 pm

    Sounds like the problem is you manipulating the most common complaints and accusations. I think you hit on all of them. Maybe you can make some more up

  2. Oldclimber

    April 21, 2024 at 9:38 pm

    Yeah, yet another “me too”, “he’s been mean to me for a long time”, “Believe all women”, and “I want 100% in the divorce settlement, plus 100 % of everything he makes in child support” all rolled into one. Looks like another successful marriage “transaction”, for her.

  3. robert metler

    April 22, 2024 at 1:41 am

    Reality Star is getting a taste of real life, bet she picked the guy so as to help her Reality Star life and she guessed wrong ! Reality Stars these days thing their shit don’t stink and life should be like a movie and real life is not like that…. hope this will teach her something and she can have a better life for herself and kid.

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