ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY…On May 21st, 1927, Charles Lindbergh achieved one of… READ MORE ABOUT THIS HISTORIC DAY HERE Netflix’s docudrama, “Queen Cleopatra,” has drawn...
In the land of the free, where hard work and honest living are the cornerstones of our society, it seems some foreign elements have found a...
Well this is kinda funny. So King Charles is a man who might’ve let his frustrations slip right before his coronation. Now, Charles was sittin’ in...
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY…On May 14th, 1948, Israel declared its independence, marking… READ MORE ABOUT THIS HISTORIC DAY HERE Well, partners, gather ’round for a...
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY…On May 13th, 1981, Pope John Paul II was shot and… READ MORE ABOUT THIS HISTORIC DAY HERE Actor Tom Hanks has...
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY…On May 10th, 1869, a momentous event occurred that forever transformed transportation… READ MORE ABOUT THIS HISTORIC DAY HERE In the land...
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY…On May 4th, 1970 a dark and tragic event happened in American history. The event… READ MORE ABOUT THIS HISTORIC DAY HERE...
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY…On April 30th, 1789, George Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United States… READ MORE ABOUT THIS HISTORIC DAY...
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY…1945: Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was executed by Italian partisans in the final days of World War II. Mussolini had come to...
In a heartbreaking Twitter video, Richard Lewis, a veteran actor-comic and star of the popular TV show “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” revealed that he had been diagnosed...