In an alarming turn of events, Yohanes Kidane, a 22-year-old Cornell University graduate who had recently landed his dream job at Netflix, has mysteriously gone missing....
Following a plea deal announced by U.S. Attorney David Weiss, Hunter Biden found solace within the walls of the White House, staying there for two weeks...
A terrifying scene unfolded on a Southwest Airlines flight as passengers witnessed flames erupting from one of the plane’s engines. The incident, captured on video, occurred...
In a triumph for conservatives emphasizing the importance of traditional values in schools, an Atlanta school board has taken firm action against the introduction of potentially...
In the continuous journey to live longer, healthier lives, the spotlight is on technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI). This technology is now taking bigger strides in...
U.S. Bank and Bayer Pharmaceuticals have reportedly enrolled in McKinsey and Company’s leadership training, a program that explicitly excluded white employees from participation. Key employees from...
In a move demonstrating NASCAR’s commitment to upholding its image and ensuring the integrity of the sport, the organization announced on Thursday the indefinite suspension of...
In a deeply unsettling assault on free speech and political discourse, a self-proclaimed “activist” from Quebec, Pascale Ferrier, admitted to sending a poisoned letter to former...
In what many are seeing as a blatant act of censorship, prominent conservative commentator Glenn Beck’s entire podcast was inexplicably removed from Apple’s podcast network this...
On Tuesday, Nebraska’s Republican Representative, Don Bacon, publicly stated that he was informed by the FBI that his personal and campaign emails had been compromised by...