In an alarming turn of events, Yohanes Kidane, a 22-year-old Cornell University graduate who had recently landed his dream job at Netflix, has mysteriously gone missing....
A 66-year-old American tourist suddenly vanished while visiting ancient Mayan ruins in a remote Guatemalan jungle. Raymond Vincent Ashcroft was visiting the iconic temple ruins in...
The FBI’s Denver office confirmed that the remains found in a Florida nature reserve alongside a backpack are those of Brian Laundrie, who went missing last...
Teton County Coroner Dr. Brent Blue announced Gabby Petito’s cause of death at a news conference this week. Petito, 22, died of strangulation three to four...
Police charged Gabby Petito’s boyfriend with unauthorized debit card use as the search for him continued. A federal grand jury indicted Brian Laundrie for allegedly using...
MSNBC’s Joy Reid raised some eyebrows with her comments regarding media coverage of Gabby Petito, the 22-year-old woman whose disappearance gained national attention. “It goes without...