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January 1, Video: Ben Shapiro’s Heated Exchange with College Student



Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro had a heated exchange with a college student while speaking at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG).

The student, who introduced himself as a “mathematician and physicist,” apparently took exception to Shapiro’s thoughts on gender identity.

“So, I think I’m pretty qualified to say that most of what you’re saying is based on old data,” the student said. “Like, for example, gender identity disorder. That’s a DSM4 [diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders] bro. We use a DSM5 now.”

“I literally cited the DSM5 in the speech, and it’s called gender dysphoria,” Shapiro responded.

“You sound like a bozo, bro,” the student said, going on to make impolite comments about Shapiro’s sexual relationship with his wife.

“Let me just say, the nice thing about having several small children is I don’t feel the necessity of having my masculinity challenged by someone like you,” Shapiro responded.



  1. Dennis Stewart

    April 17, 2022 at 8:25 pm

    Look up the DEFINITIONS of just 3 words: “SEX”; “COITUS”; and “ORGASM”
    All 3 explicitly state : “MALE and FEMALE”. The EXCRETORY system is not
    the same as or equal to the REPRODUCTIVE system. LGBT’S are biological
    impossibilities yesterday; today; and tomorrow. All of this degradation is
    the product of the COMMUNIST TAKEOVER GOAL that states: “present homosexuality,
    degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural and healthy.” If being a homosexual
    was normal; natural and healthy, why pray tell would it ever need to be presented
    as normal; natural and healthy? Wouldn’t such a presentation be unnecessarily
    REDUNDANT even convolutional?

    • David Hutson

      April 18, 2022 at 8:41 am

      Absolutely SPOT-ON ! ! ! Anyone who does not believe it? Go the Congressional Record of 1963. There you will find the 45 goals which the Communist Party had/has identified as being necessary for them to accomplish, in order for them to undermine and destroy Representative Republic/Rule-of-Law Governance in the United States. To “take-over the United States FROM WITHIN”, and establish Marxist/Communist AUTHORITARIAN RULE !
      People ought to get and read the books: “THE NAKED COMMUNIST”, by W. Cleon Skousen (former FBI agent), which lists and discusses the 45 goals of the American Communists, such as gaining control of teacher unions in order to control curricula, so as to use government schools as “transmission belts” for spreading Communist ideological dogma through all of society. Also a “follow-on” book, “THE NAKED TRUTH”, looking at how many of their 45 goals the American Communists had actually accomplished by 2001.

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