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January 1, Vance Spot On with Biden-Harris Economic Missteps On Grocery Item



J. D. Vance was spot on: the cost of eggs is skyrocketing, and it’s a direct consequence of the disastrous economic strategies pushed by the Biden-Harris administration. This crisis is unfolding right before our eyes, highlighting just how out of touch their leadership truly is with the challenges faced by everyday Americans.

Vance, a rising star and potential vice presidential candidate, drew attention to this pressing issue, emphasizing the clear-cut impact these misguided policies are having on our wallets. When Kamala Harris assumed office, a dozen eggs cost less than $1.50. Fast forward to today, and we’re forced to shell out around $4 for the same dozen. This isn’t just a simple matter of supply and demand; it’s the inflationary policies championed by Harris and her cohort.

While critics tried to dismiss Vance’s assertions by clinging to outdated metrics, the latest figures paint a sobering picture. In September alone, egg prices surged by 8.4 percent, and this follows previous hikes of 4.8 percent in August and 5.4 percent in July. The startling reality? A dozen eggs averaged at $3.82 in September, up from $3.20 just a month prior.

Over the past year, the consumer price index for eggs has skyrocketed by 39.6 percent, a statistic courtesy of the Labor Department’s recent report. Yet, it doesn’t stop with eggs. Bacon prices crept up 1.6 percent in September and are a whopping 4.2 percent higher than last year’s September figures.

Beyond the breakfast table, the overall food prices jumped 0.4 percent in August, marking the biggest hike since January 2023. Fruits and vegetables saw spikes too, with fresh fruit alone climbing 2.2 percent in just a month. Your grocery run in August cost you an average of 0.4 percent more, an increase not seen since earlier this year.

It’s time to confront the reality of these rising costs, an undeniable evidence of the failure of current economic policies. The message is clear: Americans are paying the price, literally, and accountability is long overdue.

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