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January 1, Tucker Carlson Blasts McCarthy: ‘Puppet of the Democratic Party’



Fox News host Tucker Carlson had harsh words for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) over remarks he made in newly released audio recordings, saying the Republican leader “sounds like an MSNBC contributor.”

“Donald Trump, the sitting president, had already been silenced by those companies. But McCarthy wanted the tech oligarchs to do more, to force disobedient lawmakers off the internet,” Carlson said.

The Fox News host continued, saying the recordings show that McCarthy is “a man who in private, turns out, sounds like an MSNBC contributor.”

“And yet unless conservatives get their act together right away, Kevin McCarthy or one of the highly liberal allies, like Elise Stefanik, is very likely to be Speaker of the House in January,” Carlson said.

“That would mean you would have a Republican Congress led by a puppet of the Democratic Party.”

Watch Carlson’s comments in full below:


‘Puppet Of The Democratic Party’: Tucker Carlson Trashes ‘MSNBC Contributor’ Kevin McCarthy


  1. Rick Hunter

    April 30, 2022 at 7:15 pm

    After all he is from California. Tss as pjs like he’s on our side when in reality he’s just another RHINO.

  2. Daniel Spooner

    April 30, 2022 at 7:33 pm

    Rush Limbaugh warned us all about haveing McCarthy as Leader. He’s as limp as Tent Lott was a Senate Majority Leader. He’s part of the swamp and we need to have someone with a spine. Pelosi (ugh, errrr) knows how to do it on the LEFT. Where is our LEADER on the RIGHT?????????

  3. Nita

    April 30, 2022 at 8:07 pm

    He has to be elected by his peers, doesn’t he?
    If he isn’t a 100% conservative, Why would they give him that power???

  4. Jim

    April 30, 2022 at 9:17 pm

    McCarthy is just another swamp creature like Mitch McConnell and the other RINOS. They care more about maintaining the status quo instead of serving the needs of the American people. They are all about enriching themselves on the taxpayer dime.

  5. Kevan Rowlee

    April 30, 2022 at 9:39 pm

    MTG, from George, is a no-nonsense conservative Jeffersonian congresswoman, whom we all know would not take a backseat to the communist Democrats. She’s the exact opposite of limp-wristed pipsqueaks like McConnell and McCarthy.

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