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January 1, Trump Accused of Violating Campaign Law



A Democratic group has accused former President Donald Trump of violating campaign finance laws, saying he spent political funds without officially announcing a 2024 presidential bid.

The Democratic super PAC American Bridge says it is filing a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

“He should have to adhere to the law in a way that all other candidates do,” said Jessica Floyd, the group’s president. “When he says ‘I’m going to do it a third time,’ that’s not flirting. That’s more than a toe dip.”

Federal finance rules dictate that anyone who raises or spends over $5,000 in an effort to support a presidential campaign must file with the FEC.

American Bridge cited a quote from Trump last year in which he said, “I know what I’m going to do, but we’re not supposed to be talking about it yet from the standpoint of campaign finance laws.”

But Trump’s camp says American Bridge’s claim has “zero merit.”

“America is spiraling into disaster because of the Democrats’ failures, and instead of reversing course, they are busy filing frivolous complaints that have zero merit,” Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich said.

Though Trump hasn’t formally declared his intentions to run in 2024, he has continued to drop hints — as recently as this past Saturday.

“In 2024 we are going to take back that beautiful, beautiful White House,” Trump said during a rally in South Carolina. “I wonder who will do that. I wonder. I wonder.”


Democratic Group Says Trump Is Breaking Campaign Law by Not Declaring for 2024


  1. Brandy

    March 15, 2022 at 8:11 pm

    These Democrats need to get a life instead of acting like idiots. They should be working to lower gas prices, having legal elections, curbing inflation & acting like they were elected to do……serve the people!
    The Democrats, including the President & Vice President , have made this once great country the laughing stock of the world. It is so sad that we have fallen so far

    • Blondie

      March 16, 2022 at 4:05 am

      I agree with your post, however, we could add all of the following to your list, BLM, Antifa, B, P, HB, Maxine Waters & those who have committed criminal activity & are still criminals. The WH is full of such people.
      I wonder when will they realize, they will NEVER catch Trump doing anything illegal. He is way too smart to stoop to their levels.

  2. szq

    March 15, 2022 at 9:19 pm

    Yes, it truly is very sad. However it has been inevitable since we have be throwing GOD out of our once great Christian-based Nation, gradually since the 60’s and increasingly so in the past few years. We are promised Blessings when we honor and obey HIM. When we choose to insult, curse, dishonor HIM, we can expect nothing but misery and the just “rewards” of our rebellion. HE has been oh so patient with us, giving us MANY warnings thru the years. The last major one being 9/11. I remember thinking that it looked like we just might turn back to HIM. I’ll never forget Congress standing on the steps and all singing God Bless America, as one voice. We said we would “never forget”, but alas, in a very short time that all evaporated and we continued on our headstrong path of thinking it was all about US and OUR STRENGTH. GOD was left totally out of the equation. Our true strength comeS from HIM and HIM ALONE!
    LORD, please forgive us and redeem this once great Nation that loves and honors YOU above all else.

  3. Tom Lofgren

    March 15, 2022 at 11:26 pm

    To many, God is #2. I wonder who is #1. I wonder. I wonder.

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