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January 1, Tennessee Cop Fired: Groping Entertainer in Traffic Stop Video



A Tennessee police officer was recently fired for allegedly groping an adult entertainer during a staged traffic stop scene. Sean Herman, the officer believed to be involved, was reportedly fired by Metro Nashville Police a day after they became aware of the video. The uniform’s sleeve patch helped to identify Herman’s involvement.

The video, titled “Can’t believe he didn’t arrest me,” shows the adult content creator, Jordin, sitting in the driver’s seat of a car. An individual in the passenger seat films the incident, commenting that he knew police would pull Jordin over for speeding.

With a white squad car visible through the back window, Jordin can be heard saying, “I’m not going to get a ticket … I’m going to show him my tits.” An officer character, identified as “Officer Johnson of PD,” then appears at the driver’s door, claiming Jordin was going “65 in a 45.” After requesting her license and registration, Jordin exposes her breasts.

The officer character remarks that he “can see tits on the internet any time.” Jordin responds by asking, “Well, what if you touched them?” The filmed scene appears to show the officer character agreeing, reaching into the car, groping Jordin’s breasts, and grabbing his genitals through his pants.

While the camera does not show the officer’s face, a Metro Nashville Police Department shoulder patch is briefly visible. The scene ends with Jordin thanking the officer after he decides to let her go with a warning.

It remains unclear if the officer was on duty during the filming. However, the Metro Nashville Police believe the scene was planned and filmed at the end of April 2024. “That was one of the most outrageous, disrespectful acts that a person here could do and, by disrespectful, I mean to all the MNPD employees and this agency,” said police spokesperson Don Aaron.

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  1. Frank

    May 19, 2024 at 7:43 pm

    He should not be fired but suspended

  2. JoJo

    May 20, 2024 at 9:01 am

    He needed to be fired

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