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January 1, “Plain Creepy”: Biden Criticized Over Friendship with 12-Year-Old Girl



1789: U.S. Congress proposes the Bill of Rights.

President Joe Biden raised eyebrows with a remark about a friendship he had with a 12-year-old girl.

Biden was delivering a speech to the National Education Association when he went off-script to address a woman in the crowd that used to know.

“You gotta say hi to me,” Biden said while pointing into the crowd. “We go back a long way. She was 12 and I was 30, but anyway. This woman helped me get an awful lot done. Anyway.”

“This is just plain creepy,” tweeted conservative commentator Kyle Becker.

“What a creep,” said author Buzz Patterson.

Tim Graham, the executive producer of NewsBusters, said the remark was an example of “why Biden frustrates handlers.”

Biden has previously faced criticism for being “creepy” over his repeated habit of sniffing women and young girls.

Source: Fox News


  1. Tom

    September 25, 2022 at 8:03 am

    If you ever heard someone say what Biden said and you did NOT report him for possible child child abuse YOU., yes YOU, would be prosecuted. Why has no one reported him?

    • Gerald

      September 25, 2022 at 9:49 am

      What good would that do? The Dems will protect him at all costs nothing will ever happen to any of them, hell Biden will be dead before anyone will even admit to any crimes

  2. Don

    September 25, 2022 at 8:41 am

    What else does one expect from a creep???

  3. dp

    September 25, 2022 at 2:03 pm

    This is not news – everyone paying attention knows about Pedo-Joe.

    And to the commenter saying that anyone (adult) who has some sort of interaction with a teen (approx) needs to have the law called is just an idiot. I hire kids all the time to help me – cut the grass, wash the car, etc, and I’m almost 60 years old.

    I had my 1st job at 12 years old flagging down and parking cars for the horse track customers… then restaurant work from 13. Stupid woke society has made it nearly impossible for a young person to go and get a job. That’s why minimum wage laws are stupid, and immoral – burger flipping and dish washing, etc are supposed to be entry level jobs for kids with no real skills to offer.
    No one will pay a dish washer $15 – $20 an hour, no one is going to give a kid a job for $20 an hour – if a business is forced to pay everyone $20+ per hour then that result is lost jobs, and they instead invest in a machine to do that job.

    People are so stupid… “Tax the corporations more!!!” You retard, corporations don’t pay taxes – they up the price and pass the tax on to you and me in the form of higher prices – I could start a whole list of stupid ideas that people have, and foolishly believe because they have been trained to react out of emotion instead of thinking a problem through.

  4. Dorlis Grote

    September 25, 2022 at 2:55 pm

    Man wil not judge him, but God will!

  5. Dorlis Grote

    September 25, 2022 at 2:56 pm

    Man will not judge him, God will!

    • Sheldon Nadler

      September 25, 2022 at 5:22 pm

      When Biden stands before the Gates of Heaven, God will send Joe Biden straight to HELL!

  6. Sheldon Nadler

    September 25, 2022 at 5:20 pm

    Joe Biden, the President of the United States is a true blue pedophile!

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