January 1, Parents Outraged After Teacher Provides Access to “Pornographic” Books

1682: William Penn leaves England to sail to the New World.
In Oklahoma, a mother of a high school student says that a former public high school teacher should face “criminal charges” after giving students access to a library database that housed “pornographic material.”
Mother Laney Dicksion said she filed a complaint with Norman High School after English teacher Summer Boismier gave students a QR code to “Books Unbanned,” a Brooklyn Public Library database. Dicksion said she reviewed the books on the database and found “pornographic material.”
“This is pornographic material,” Dicksion told Fox 25, referencing a book called “Gender Queer,” a 2019 memoir featured on Books Unbanned. “No one would be allowed to disseminate this to children, much less a teacher in our public school systems. [Boismier] has access to children and to minors.”
“The woman should not have access to children now or in the future. She should be stripped of her certifications. To be perfectly frank with you, she should have criminal charges against her,” she added.
Boismier told Fox 25 that she resigned from her role.
“I have made the decision to resign from my position at Norman High School. I will say that the district did offer me back my job, allowing me back in the classroom as of tomorrow morning,” Boismier said in a statement. “However, there were some fundamental ideological differences between myself and district representatives that I just couldn’t get past.”
The former teacher said her reason for resigning stemmed from the passage of House Bill 1775, which prohibits Oklahoma public schools from discrimination based on race or sex.
“HB 1775 has created an impossible working environment for teachers and a devastating learning environment for students. For the second year in a row, students at Norman High will be without a certified English teacher for a substantial amount of time. The fault for that lies with Governor Stitt and Republican state leadership,” Boismier said.
According to Fox News Digital, Norman Public Schools required teachers to sign a form at the start of the school year, ensuring that teachers had fully reviewed classroom libraries and removed certain materials.
Boismier said she has “no regrets” in sharing the QR code, and she “would do it again, will do it again.”
Source: Fox News

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August 30, 2022 at 7:04 am
And AGAIN “the Current State of the Marxist-run Media” have taken control leveraging (in this case) ‘Certifications’ to subvert Family/ Community/ Oklahoman Standards to promote their Agenda. “Crafty bastids, ain’t they?”
Bruce Wickstrom
August 30, 2022 at 7:14 am
One thing these so-called educators forget is that these children do not belong to them. If I wanted to find out about certain things that was our responsibility as parents to educate our kids on those things when they are of an appropriate age. Rvn 68-69
August 30, 2022 at 9:01 am
She has NO problem giving pornagraphic material to CHILDREN!?!?!
Not just regular pornagraphic material, but same sex pornagraphic marterial.
WHY? Why would anyone WANT to do that? It’s called desensitization. You brain wash people (children) with what is wrong to the point that it is no longer wrong, but acceptable.
For years we would hear from the LGBT community, that they were born “that way”, not to fault them, but to accept them. Now that they are accepted, they are “turning” your children to “be” that way.
I hear from teenagers in schools that it is a “FAD” to be queer. The question is, “What will be a FAD next year?
This woman is a lost and broken soul. It has nothing to do with being a Republican. It has everything to do with what is moral and correct and NOT for little children to know or learn yet. And it gives pedophiles the right to exercise their sexual desires on little children, while adults look the other way.
There was a man who lived many, many, years ago, that once said, Any man who causes one of these little ones to sin, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and cast into the deepest sea.
Showing pornagraphic material to children is equally as wrong. And this teacher should never be allowed to teach in any school for any reason ever again.
Richard Izzo
August 30, 2022 at 9:24 am
Defund public schools and give the coinage to private schools who could then take In children as easy as government schools and the parents would have a better choice of how they want their children taught.
August 30, 2022 at 10:05 am
August 30, 2022 at 10:14 am
On Another NOTE……… Summer Boismier ….. the Teacher from Oklahoma – Norman High School….. Doesn’t EVEN LOOK LIKE SHE IS “ALL THERE”…… ANYWAY. !!! Why did the High School Hire Her in the First Place.????? Now – There is the Real Question.!!
There may be others in that High School’s Administration that I would think needs looking into….. ! ! !
Dog Taylor
August 30, 2022 at 12:22 pm
In banning books we tend to forget that we hindering our children from the exposure to other cultures, ways of thinking and promoting ignorance. We as parents have an obligation to teach our children our values. In banning books we are handicapping them in how to seek the truth. It is bad enough that we lag behind the world in the general knowledge of the sciences, math, geography and literature. Do we really want to further handicap them to think for themselves and develop critical thinking so that they can make their own decisions? Do we really want to develop them to be just “followers”, making it easier for the government to control them? If we want to ban pornographic book, when was the last time you have read the Bible?
September 5, 2022 at 9:57 pm
Hopefully, you have no children and will never have any children. You think that little children under the age of 8 to 10 years old should be reading books and be open to all kinds of pornography? You think that’s OK? You say America is behind other countries around the world that are teaching their children all of these things,……. that’s fine for whatever country that’s perverted. But not for Americans. Hopefully we are still a Judaic/Christian country and have some kind of morals, and most of all, common sense! This teacher was told that there are rules and if she didn’t follow those rules then she’s not welcome . She claims that she was offered her job back starting the next day, I don’t believe that for a second. This is a sick woman and she doesn’t need to be anywhere around any children especially the younger ones. But for those kids who are young teens, who might be interested in what sex is or could be, she doesn’t need to be giving them a hand up with pornography. By the way, the Bible is not illustrated.
R. Kerch
August 30, 2022 at 7:32 pm
Communism exploits our democratic system—How many more commies have infiltrated our country?????
September 9, 2022 at 4:59 pm
Well, while I agree with her I also know the commiecrats have been pushing their criminal agenda for decades and when nothing happened they escalated their plans. The problem is with the voters who put them in office in the first place. Time to shuffle them ALL off to China in a rowboat.