January 1, Obama Heckled During Campaign Rally

1952: “Ivy Mike”, the first thermonuclear weapon to utilize the H-bomb design of Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam, is detonated in the Marshall Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Former President Barack Obama was interrupted by a heckler at a Democratic campaign rally in Michigan, while he was discussing the recent assault on Paul Pelosi.
Obama was in Michigan to campaign for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) and other Democratic candidates ahead of the midterm elections. He was speaking about the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, saying that violent political rhetoric was to blame.
“If our rhetoric about each other gets that mean, when we don’t just disagree with people but we start demonizing, making wild, crazy allegations about them, that creates a dangerous climate,” Obama said.
“If elected officials don’t do more to explicitly reject that kind of rhetoric, if they tacitly support it or encourage their supporters to stand up outside voting places armed with guns and dressed in tactical gear, more people can get hurt,” he added.
“We got politicians who work to stir up division to try to make us angry and afraid of one another for their own advantage, and all of it gets amped up, hyped up 24/7 by social media,” Obama said. “And sometimes it can turned dangerous.”
A protester could be heard saying “Mr. President,” followed by inaudible comments.
“Sir, this is what I mean,” Obama responded.
“Sir, we’ve got a — there is a process that we set up in our democracy. Right now, I’m talking, you’ll have a chance to talk sometime soon,” he continued. “We don’t have to interrupt each other. We don’t have to shout each other down.”
The former president was interrupted roughly seven minutes later by an additional heckler, according to the New York Post.
Obama asked: “Do we have another person yelling at me? Is that what you’re doing?”
Source: New York Post | The Hill

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November 1, 2022 at 8:30 am
AND well deserved for his criminal activities. Too bad we only have a criminal DOJ.
The Redhawk
November 1, 2022 at 9:28 am
Obama is back lecturing with lies as he did “ selling odumbo care” with snake oil salesman lies. He is another D fascist fraud
November 1, 2022 at 10:27 am
obomba sucked as a president when it was his terms
did nothing but line his pockets, set himself up with deals to make money
this including michele your insurance
now your ghost president on your third term which is only 2 terms per president
lying cheating screwing the american citizens out of everything
you need to retire to one of your 5 million dollars houses
marhta’s vineyard in the summer, one who couldn’t take 50 ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS
maybe you should listen to your half brother who hasn’t spoken to you for years
November 1, 2022 at 11:27 am
Of course, he made those comments only when Nancy Pelosi’s husband was the target of an allegedly politically motivated attack (it wasn’t, really). Where was he when the guy tried to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh?
November 3, 2022 at 6:53 am
oblama, you’ve had your moment in the sun. No one with any sense cares about what you have to say. Now just go away.